
Organizational behavior?

by  |  earlier

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What is organizational behavior and why is it important?

What are organizations like as work settings?

What is the nature of managerial work?

How do we learn about organizational behavior?




  1. example:  was in a large MNC with identity idiosyncrasies - cannot wear short sleeve. long sleeved buttoned down.  even when off duty as the town is small.  

    to maintain corporate culture and identity and exclusiveness.  so u create your own brand of branding / image.

    as manager - we had to hv subtle observation of staff and nicely, tactfully, mindfully mention to any senior staff if they r out of line.

    can u beat it??

    there r many books in the library on such c**p which seems to be of interest to the corporate world as each entity seeks their own alter-ego!!; so to speak.

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