
Organizations for wat...?

by Guest64359  |  earlier

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world organizations should be monitored by litterates but should be governed by people who are the real owners of the task.....

anybody agree....?




  1. presently all int orgs are funded by national govts.  so these govts esp the biggest funders wanna hv their say on who sits where.  so its irrelevant if the person knows his stuff.  eg world bank president has to be american 'cos usa pays the bulk of it.  even sec-gen un - usa hv lots of say.  remember dag hammersjkold - un sec-gen in the 60s - was killed when he stepped on some toes, those ones!!  the unesco boss who was embezzling - usa kicked the smart aleck out and he is still rich!!

  2. International organizations must not be influenced by politics and religion but must serve the need of the people on specific fields such as education and culture.

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