
Organizations with suggestions for boycotting Chinese goods?

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I have been consciously avoiding "made in China" products for quite some time (not just since the recent events regarding Tibet) because my beliefs in regard to human rights are grossly incongruent with those of the Chinese government. To top it off, I just read about yet another thing they are doing during the present scramble to "clean up" (as if) to put on a nice show for expected Olympic visitors---rounding up everyone's pet housecats for extermination in a medieval Black Plague--era frenzy. Crazy. (here's the source, for those who would cry for proof of accusation:

Anyway, I've had it, and was hoping someone could give me links to people who have drawn up specific guidelines I can follow in my personal decision to avoid contributing financially to this government's present system as much as possible, with Thanks in advance for those providing suggestions.




  1. That's a little like our embargo with Cuba... completely stupid and pointless (especially for those of us with passports from different countries; I can still go to Cuba from the U.S. with a British passport). To boycott Chinese goods is to deny a very powerful political ally... not exactly tactical in the way of avoiding major violent conflicts.

  2. What is very concerning to me is the fact that patients have died from having been injected with Heparin that was made in China. I think we need to boycott all goods from China if the U.S. cannot guarantee that everything will be safe. First the lead in the paint on toys and now drugs imported from China.

  3. Your concern is an honorable one.  

    We may indeed all agree, as was forewarned by many a Tibetan, both in the government and lamaseries over several decades past, that China may come to be a major -- and I say major -- pain in the gluteus maximus to many a great nation -- many.  It hosts one of the most parochial of all collective consciousness of any nation, whether first, second or third world; further, a country that regards fourth world peoples as so much jetsam and flotsam.  

    That of the treatment and regard of cats or any animals is not at all surprising and but a portent of what will unfold as regards human beings verily; and none knows this better than 'any' Tibetan.

    There is a bounty of like-minded individuals as you that can be found on the internet.  Simply Google a search with the words 'China Boycott'.

    Many union chapters of all manner will give added input, for their members have lost much from corporations that chose to outsource to China or chose to insource from China, bypassing the use of skills and methodologies endemic to the United States.  Insourcing is particularly vicious, actually.

    Sadly, China has in significant measure the U.S. treasury backed against a wall by both a tremendous trade deficit and loan debt -- a horrible duet.  One wrong move and all folds like a paper doll house internationally, for all foreign economies watch the United States more than they do China in terms of economics.  

    Where one wishes to confront that of China's  -- which they should regardless! -- one will have to be prepared to own it...and as well take into account a massive fall out, which will affect hundreds of thousands of the middle and working classes in the United States.  China is one nation alone that bodes curiously regarding a looming possibility of not only an entrenched recession but a flat out Depression, not seen since the 1920's; it features a strange and alien focus on money, power, and intolerance all combined into one, the likes of which United States' sensibility has not ever known.

    These are a potentially cruel, unconscionable people that run the governments and establishment, which factor rattles not few nations' governments down to their very bones.  Again, none knows this better than Tibet.

  4. The only organization I know of who is actively opposing selling our economic souls to the murderous dictatorial Chinese government is the UFCW (United Food & Commercial Workers - USA Union). The UFCW has been actively boycotting Walmart and their attempts to destroy the world economy.

  5. Maybe an honorable cause, but futile.

    It is now a global economy, even if your product says, Made in USA / UK / Canada. it rarely is.

    Imagine China is 50 years behind the west, they are not going to meet our "standards" overnight

    You must be too young to remember Myxomatosis what hey did in England when they had too many rabbits

  6. Im glad I dont live there!!!!! Maybe they will take care of those cats, but probably not!!!!Then they will have rat probelms!!!!

  7. What and put all those people in Walmart, Target , The Dollar Store  and Costco out of work?  Where would the people on lower incomes shop?

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