
Organizing my bedroom?

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I'm 15 and hate cleaning....It's like my worst nightmare..


I will clean my room up..and think it's pretty organized, but then I end up wanting something and end up destroying my room to find it..which i never find it because I am so un-organized...(my room gets messed up like 30 minutes after its cleaned)

Any tips or suggestions!





  1. Well, the best thing to do is firstly get rid of anything in your room that you don't use or need anymore. The second thing to do is go and buy yourself some storage furniture and containers.

    For your wardrobe make sure that you chuck out any clothes or shoes that you haven't use for the past 12 months. Secondly, put you're 'opposite season' clothing into plastic containers and store them away on your top shelf. Also get a shoe rack and proper storage for your shoes.

    Make sure that you utilize all the spaces in you're room. for example under your bed.

    If you have a desk in your room, get some paper storage containers and pen holders so you don't have papers and pens laying everywhere.

    You say that you destroy your room, trying to find things. If you make everything in your room accessible and easy to find, you wont destroy your room after just cleaning it.

    and if you really need to, try labelling things. This will make it easier again when trying to find stuff. Oh and typical mum quote, remember to pack away what you pull out. just means you have to clean your room less.

    hope some of my advice helps!


  2. Throw your stuff into tupperware bins that can slide and hide under your bed or fit into your closet.

  3. Some people are born organizers, others need someone to show them and others, bless their hearts just have to have someone else do it for them. You apparently fall into one of the two latter groups. No matter which, the easy thing to do is look at all your friend's rooms and pick the one that has the best organized room.  Then have that friend come and help you set your room up so you can have it neat and find everything. Then after it's set you can fine tune your room to your needs if you even need to.  

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