
Oriental more intelligent than other races?

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Do you think orientals, Japanese,Chinese,Koreans are smarter on overage than other races?

Or is it just cultural. They just are taught to study hard and make good grades in school by their parents?

Verses whites, blacks and hispanics, who are more into sports and stuff?

Just curious. I'm not a racist by the way.




  1. My personal opinion is that carpets are extremely dumb. But that's just my opinion.

  2. well, i was going to say something profound, but jet sums it up pretty good.

  3. I grew up with a lot of Asian kids ( I'm not Asian) and what I've notice is the following:

    Anything less than perfection is unacceptable. By default, were all imperfect because were human. This equates to them working harder and longer. If I can describe it in one word , it would be discipline. They have more discipline than anyone else by a landslide, PERIOD.

    I think there are a lot of people in this world who will never reach their full potential for an array of reason ( culture, laziness, parents don't push them, etc..) Asian parents and their culture make it so that  ( not reaching your full potential) never happens. They think its a waste and I think their right. However, nothing in extremes is ever good. I think it's important to be well balance.

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