
Origin of 'star' symbol as rating system?

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How did the practice of using stars as ratings emerge? Vague musings on celestial symbology aside, I am interested in the historical details of who began this practice, and the antecedents from which it came.

If possible, citations would be much appreciated.




  1. The question is kind of vague, and probably belongs in the astronomy section, however, the Sumerians are the first known repudiable astronomers, and knew things as precise as the moon going through a 19-year repeating cycle, and that the Morning Star & Evening Star, is the planet Venus...more than 4,000 years ago...

  2. If you are refereing to such things as giving a gold star to a child for doing well, then evidence for this type of device has been found in ancient Egypt, and probably started even earlier.  (They didn't use the common 5 pointed star we see today, theirs looked more like a plus sign and X on top of each other.)

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