
Origin of black people?

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are all black people from africa?




  1. Believe so    ,   The land was all one mass at that time   So       the very early humanoids moved all over the world as it was then..   Then the continents and islands and oceans changed  , and the original  people were spread every where and all developed differently/    Over millions of years they evolved to the humans of today. But it all started in  the area that is now Africa.

  2. No. While it isn't completely certain what color the first homosapiens were, they were likely dark. However, most of the racial color differentiation we see today occurred after humans had migrated throughout the old world. The black color seen in Africans, Indians, and aboriginies is an example of homoplasy or a convergent trait.

  3. ALL people came from Africa, if you go back far enough.

  4. Originally all people were from Africa.  Aboriginal folks from Australia are often also called 'black'.

  5. If you mean did the African racial genotype originate in Africa, then yes.

    This was becausae the ways off the the African continent were limited, thus allowing the gene pool sufficiemt isolation to develop it distinct characteristics.

    Of course, in recent times (less than 10000 years), the gene pool has managed to move around the world with emigration, whether forced or voluntary.

    In terms of skin colour, there are people in fairly separated parts of the world, who are as dark as the darkest African.

    This suggests that skin colouring is one of the quicker evolving human characteristics and could change to suit a climate within less than 200 generations.

  6. Cannot believe I'm actually wasting an answer here, but, felt I REALLY HAD 2...... DUH ??????????? And all white people are from LILLIPUT LANE...

  7. yes, Ethiopia, but the same is true for all people regardless of color, caucasions have meletonin deficiencies most likely attributed to being trapped in friged areas during the ice age, whereas darker skinned people most likely remained in the much warmer regions of Africa... impassible mountain ranges seperated the two areas and those trapped in ice age conditions were forced to form villages and specialize their labor in order to survive, which lead to knowlege and development of more advanced technologies

  8. It is true that we all came from Africa.  However, I'd like to correct a few of the previous posters.

    The last time the continents were all joined was 200 million years ago.  Hominins are only about 5 million years old.  By the time there were people, the continents looked pretty much like they did today.

  9. Tracing back DNA, all people are from africa.

  10. Arguably, but you have to remember that all the continents were once, one big continent, thus when they drifted apart, the vast majority of dark-skinned people remained on what would become known as the African continent. The origins of 'black people' dates back far before humans, to our ancestors, the Homo erectus, or even earlier.

    Black people in North America however, migrated recently, and virtually all can trace their roots back to Africa.

  11. In one way, yes, in another, no.  We're all from Africa, and our earliest ancestors likely had black skin.  There had to be some way for us to be protected from intense sun after we lost our fur; dark skin does a pretty good job.  The other skin tones developed as we moved away from our sunny home near the Equator.  As we went to darker areas further from the sun, we no longer needed as much protection.  What we did need was to absorb every bit of sunlight we got to make vitamin D; that's how different peoples got paler.

    There are other areas, outside of Africa, where dark skin is an asset, where there's plenty of sunlight and where it's close to the Equator.  The people from there tend to have darker skin, as well, such as native Australians and Central Americans.  It's not necessarily the same shades you'd expect to see in Africa, but, then again, not every African is the same shade, either.  This is also why an Italian is probably going to have darker skin than an Irish person.  It's got nothing to do with intelligence, length of time evolving, relationship to other animals, or any other racist nonsense.  It's all about the sunlight.

  12. lol all people originated from africa it has been proven scientifically using mitochondrial/dna studies.

    They can even show the paths people took whilst migrating around the globe. There is still a little confusion over the aboriginal people of australia but its more a matter of proving which theory is correct than having no ideas.

    We all evolved from Africa so if you are the racist type in the BNP or whatever I am laughing my socks off at you now.

  13. no.

  14. no

    some are from Brixton

  15. not all black people come from africa. it wasn't much until america that we use the term black. but then what do you call white people from africa?

  16. All humans originaly lived on what is now Africa, but it was all connected as the large super-continent Pangea. And lots of these Poeple migrated to what are now distict continents, like Austraillia and retained thier dark skin tone, but some migrated to colder continents like Europe and America, but over time lost thier dark skin tone.

    So all poeple originated from Africa, despite thier appearance.

  17. australia's aborigines are from africa!!

  18. not all black people are from africa for example australian aborigines are black

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