
Original sentences with these words?

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I've been studying certain vocabulary in my English class.. but i barely understand the definitions the teacher gave me ): Can someone put these words in original sentences so I can understand them better?

1) Musing

2) Prevail

3) Lament

4) Ordain




  1. The book was an elegant tapestry of quotations, musings, aphorisms, and autobiographical reflections.

    John prevailed upon us to accompany him.

    History tells us to let go of the past, even as we honour it; to lament what ought to be lamented, to celebrate what should be celebrated.

    I declare and ordain, by virtue of my apostolic authority, that the Church has no authority whatsoever to ordain women to the sacred orders and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful.

  2. I am musing over how she will get original sentences from copying ours.

    I do not believe she will prevail in her English class if she does not know how to pick up a dictionary.

    Though this question is really sad, I will not lament.

    I ordain that all teachers fail their students who are too lazy to do their own homework.

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