
Original summer sleepover ideas?

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I'm 13 and my parents are letting me throw a summer sleepover this year. I was thinking about doing a bonfire and having everyone sleep in a tent in the backyard, but I was wondering if you guys had any other cool ideas? I really want to do something fun and original at my party. Any scary movies or cool sleepover-ish type things to do? Thanks!




  1. Well my friend that I havnt talked to in forever!! Did like that campfire thingy and she did this:

    1. Played scary games (Look online)

    2. Watch scary movies

    3. They had some like notebook paper or something and we would pass it to eachother in a circle and write like a phrase or like a word and then pass it to the next person till it gets back to you but heres the funny part, you cant look what other people said. And then at the end you read the stories out loud

    4. Had a campfire with YUMMY smores

    5. Camped in a big tent

    Hope i helped :D

  2. There are LOADS of awesome games I used to play.

    One of them is get a string and tie it about a foot and a half  of the ground between two objects. Like two chairs across from each other. On the string slip a bunch of donuts on it equal to the number of people at your party. Then get every to lie on the ground underneath there donut. The first person to eat the entire donut wins.

    It sounds stupid, but it's not haha.

    Also if you get in 2 even teams, you can have like a relay.

    Put two piles of clothes a far distance from you. (Things like a hat, lipstick (badly coloured), pants, slippers, shirt, etc)

    Make the first person run to the pile, put on the clothes and lipstick, then spin around 10 times, take it off and run to the next person in line, tag them, and then they do the same. The first team that finishes wins.

    It's also more fun if you have prizes for this kinda stuff.

    Once again, it sounds lame, but it's really fun when your hyper.

  3. That sounds like a lot of fun! You should also do some stargazing if your neighborhood isn't too brightly lit. That's always a good time to talk. And you might even see a shooting star!

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