
Orthodontic nightmare... Teeth 80% worse than before braces... ?

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My orthodontist screwed up too many times on my teeth, in addition he pulled a tooth out on one side and now I ahve a tooth in the middle of my mouth, like Tom Cruise. I threw $4000 away and not only that, I wasted 1 year of my life only for him to make my teeth look hideous! He opted to pull out a healthy tooth instead of evenly shave 1 mm off of each side of the top earch to create room..... I only needed 2mm of space for this and it caused one side of my face to become flatter. On top of that it brought my teeth farther in my mouth. I have a wide face to begin with and now my face looks hideous. I had self esteem and I dont anymore. To anyone that thinks I'm full of it, see the before and after pictures.

The before photos were taken right after I got married 2 years ago and the afters were just taken 2 days ago. My lower face is very narrow and due to him shaving only one tooth on the right side it threw my midline off. He used this as a basis to judge my midline and decided to pull a molar out on top, same side whwre he over shaved one tooth. It threw my midline off by a whole tooth.

When I brought these things up he treated me like I was an imbecil but I was seeing real things. I told him from the beginning I didnt want my face to change and he did it anyway. He denied, denied denied up until I brought my father in law in and he admitted that he was trying to bring my teeth farther in, lower and upper. This has made me look drastically different and my forehead looks big, my nose looks longer, all because if you look at my profile now the mouth has caved in too much. He did this after I specifically told him I dont want any adverse changes to my face unless they were changes that came with naturally straightening teeth.

He talks down to me and acts like he is the greatest thing on planet earth. he is a liar and I hope he gives me my money back and also money for an implant.

After 9 months of his lies and never answering my questions he finally answered one.... I said "my midline is off by a whole tooth how will you correct this." he said "You have to pull out the other one on the other side. The idiot didnt warn me I would end up with a tooth in the center of my mouth. He ruined my life because I have been depressed for 9 months. This is all I think about everyday is how much money I threw away how awful my teeth look and how ugly my face looks now too. Especially because I still have a sunken cheek and my cheek bone sticks out on one side due to the extraction.

I hate his guts...... My teeth were ok to begin with, only a bit crooked now my teeth look like c**p! And he says the only way to fix his F-up is to pull out another tooth. My face looks very ygly already and has changed significantly. Lower face is very thin. I am so angry.

I found a new orthodontist, Im taking the braces off in 1 month and I am throwing these brackets in his face! I am starting treatment ALL OVER AGAIN in 2.5 months because of this imbecil. I want my money back from him but he denies everything still!!! Hes a liar!@

He gave me no warning that his treatment plan would ruin my teeth.

Look at these pics.....

Before 1 - teeth were okay. fairly straight. - 2 yrs ago

Before 2 - face looked young, no dent, no sunkeness, pudgy face weight 118... 2 yrs ago

After - top left tooth in center of my mouth, teeth more crooked and messed up than ever - lower face very thin, cheek bones stick out and one sticks out significantly more than the other due to the extraction.

After 2 - arch completely crooked due to him shaving only one side of my arch.... This has affected my face. Face looks crooked and terrible now. Esp since the molar was pulled my bone sticks out, very gross.




  1. First of all I would sue him for sure. I think your teeth looked good in the before photos. In the after the do look worse. I've had some problems with braces myself, this is my second time having them. My ortho seems like a quack too! They keep telling me things that are not true. But anyways I would suggest getting your braces off as soon as possible. Taking him to court and warning people to never go to the crook again. Find someone else who knows what they're doing.

    I wish you all the best : )

  2. Your case is a perfect example of people striving for had a perfectly fine smile.....what made you want braces...??!!

    I have seen the single tooth extractions work, but obviously not for you.....

    Good luck, but you will need to continue treatment, until it is better, but as a caution, as your story is inflamming, you might want to present at another office without all the drama, and just be matter-of-fact....

    No one wants a sue-happy patient.

    Just a word to the wise.....

    P.S. If you are near a dental school with an ortho program, you might consider going will be done right at a school.

  3. Why the heck did you even need braces!!!!!!!???????/ Of course he screwed up your mouth. There was nothing to fix in the first place. He didnt want to lose money so he made up a bogus treatment.  

  4. Looking at your beautiful smile, I'm wondering what made you decide to get braces in the first place. You're right to seek a new orthodontist. Hopefully s/he will be able to correct what the other one did and get you smiling again. Take care. :-)

  5. I have braces too and i have had mine for over a year and a half and my dentist hasn't done anything with my teeth and it annoys me and they told me i would have to wear headgear in the future unless i got 2 of my upper teeth removed and then i wouldn't have to wear it. So i got my 2 teeth removed but then the dentist said i would still have to wear headgear. i hate my dentist too. Anyways maybe you could sue your dentist and good luck with your other dentist.

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