
Oscar fish questions (10 points)

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i just got an oscar and it just sits on the bottom all day is something wrong




  1. I have an oscar. When I first got him he was the same way. They are like dogs and can be trained. They almost have like their own personality. He is most likely shy. He might also seem pale. Just make sure the water temperature is good, water condition are good. Just give it some time. After about a week, my oscar started swimming around and following me if i walked across the room. After two weeks I could hand feed him and know he is trained. They honestly are like dogs.

    Good luck-

  2. you might need to change out his water,

    and be sure you are giving him enough food.

    he could be ill

  3. Well is it moving at all? If it isnt it  could be dead

  4. If its a succor fish it's probably fine.

  5. well he/she is getting used to the tank. and don't feed it too much because the pet store workers might've feeden them before you got it. mine was like that but the next day it was fine.

  6. How big is the tank?  Is there tank mates?  Have you checked the water parameters?  We need more info before we can answer correctly.


    I also got an Oscar today.  Actually brought him home about an hour after I answered this question.  He is just hiding at the bottom of the tank in the plants.  I guess there just aclimating themselves to their new tank.  Im sure theyll open up more once they get used to it.

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