
Osgood and Linstrom will be on The Tonight show with Jay Leno, will you watch tonight?

by  |  earlier

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In recent years, Jay had the Lightning and the Ducks on. Did you see any of those apperences??




  1. No.

  2. I always find about it afterwards. This time I know in advance but I have a geography essay to write notes for, for my exam tomorrow.

  3. ill tivo it

    but i dont have tivo

    so ill dvr it

  4. Thanks for the heads up, Howler. I'll be sure to tune in.

  5. i saw it haha it was so funny.

  6. If I remember it is on I will watch it . NO I only saw the after clips from past years. I forget about checking the listings for those things .

  7. Yep.........saw that they were on the way to Hollywood.......

  8. Well i want to stay up and watch it but if i get to tired i'm recording it on drv.

    I didn't watch it last year because i was upset with the ducks and i wasn't a huge hockey fanatic when the lightning won.

  9. I can't stand Leno he sucks, so no.

    I did watch the Ducks I liked how Pronger gave Leno a cup ( as in cup for your nads) to drink from.

    Leno hasn't been funny in yrs! I don't know about Letterman I don't watch that show. I'm practically Amish. I only watch hockey and movies. s***w the news that's too depressing.

  10. I believe his name is spelled Lidstrom.  I will watch tonight.

  11. I would love to watch it but I have school,

    so I can't stay up that late,

    it will most likely be on Youtube the next day..  :)

    I hate Leno too, sorry.

    Conan is my favorite!

  12. LMAO that was cold! What you said about LA was cold, but funny. You mis-spelled Lidstrom though. I might watch if I don't forget.

    Howler- Eh, we still love you! lmao

    DDL - I know what else you watch! Something that involves midgets right? J/K J/K

  13. Ill be watching.  Lidstroms a pretty quite guy though, they would have been better off having Draper or McCarty, people who are a little more outspoken.  I watched a couple years ago when Lecavalier brought the cup on, but I didnt see last years.

  14. Will I Watch Tonight?!?

    Mmmm I Already did! and to all Those fans who missed it. It was so funny

    "We're Bringing Stanley Back!"


  15. I Tivo'd it! Had to work at 8:30 this morning.

    It's LiDstrom, btw.

  16. I'd be up if Zetterberg or Datsyuk were on, even though I still like Osgood and Lidstrom.

  17. I plan on watching it.

  18. I'm more of a David Letterman guy myself. I might watch it though.

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