
Osha Violations? (with pictures)?

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I recently took photographs of the maint. crew in my building using a circular saw to dissamble railing on the top floor of the building. As they are working, the sparks (not sure if it was sparks or if they're super hot grains of metal) are falling on the many cardboard boxes and work areas below. The ppl. working below were walking along and the particals are falling on and next to them and they would run away as they realized what was happening.In the photos there I have outlined a gas tank (not sure what the contents were) that was driven to the area by one of the maintenance carts. The flames were falling onto it the entire time.Not sure if any of these are OSHA violations,Im just asking for advice on if any of it was. The maint. sprvisor saw me taking the pics and reported me to loss prevention, and they confronted me asking me if i had taken photos. I replied no, and then was told "good, because if you had It..... no room // continued at




  1. John W.,

    As a Safety Professional thanks for your interest in safety.  The pictures are pretty blurry, but the Safety rep for your company may be more than happy to look at them.  From what I see you may have a Fire Marshall violation for hot work next to combustibles and your overall storage of combustibles as well.  The area below the people working at heights should have been barricaded to prevent items (sparks) from falling on to people below.  As for the gas cylinder it should have been at least 25 feet away depending on the gas.  There should have also been a firewatch with equipment to estinguish a small fire and the means to contact help should the fire get out of control.

    After the rail was cut it should have been barricaded to prevent access.  And it looks more like a portable grinder than circular saw-either case I doubt the person had all the proper PPE-Glasses-Ear plugs-face shield

    Never take these threats from management people you have a right to work in a safe place there are also 'whistleblower' protection acts to prevent the company from disciplining you should you come forward and report what you witnessed.  And OSHA won't come crashing down the doors after you make a call, they will send a letter to the company saying there are concerns and will they comment on this.  If your company ignores the letter or gives the wrong answer, then OSHA may make a site visit.  If you do decide to call OSHA 800-321-OSHA (6742), then if you say you feel like the situation put you at 'emminent danger', this is the highest request other than jobsite fatality in the matrix of making a visit.

    I would confront your Safety Specialist and ask them to correct the situation and see if you get any action there.

    Should you have any other questions then my screen name is my e-mail @ yahoo.

    Have a great-safe day

  2. These are definite safety violations but you need to know that if OSHA gets those pics you are going to be  the prime suspect. You will need a lawyer to protect you in case they try to punish you. Taking pictures of safety violations has nothing to do with company secrets, that is just their way of threatening to fire you.

    Maybe you would be wise to look for other work to begin with. These guys are liable to blow the place up with you in it. Once you have a safer job make copies of the photos and give them to OSHA. keep the originals.

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