
Other Universes Out There?

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DO you think there are universes outside of ours? A friend told me there could be a mirror universe. What do you think these universes would look like? Like ours or might they be completely white? or another colour? Could there be life on these universes? Aliens or animals or even humans? What do you think




  1. more than there are grains of sand

  2. Scientists have/are finding more and more antiparticles/antimatter which indicates there are anti Universes out there mirroring our own.When they come in contact, energy is released in the form of extremely large explosions.Hope we never come in contact with our anti Universe.The more powerful particle accelerators will soon confirm this.There is much we do NOT understand about the electromagnetic spectrum and other dimensions..Einstein's E=mc2 says it all-mass and energy can not be destroyed, just change forms.Eenergy and matter vary only in density. Even in the atom, the orbits of the electrons have space between them which means something else could occupy that space with a different density-this reasoning explains both ghosts and the different frequencies of radio stations.It is possible that the electromagnetic spectrum could be changed in a blinking of an eye.The true Philadelphia Experiment dealt with time travel and teleportation . Probably time travel  and teleportation will be feasible within 300-500 years.The images would be like looking in the mirror-everything in reverse and there would also be life on other planets there as is here are in this Universe.

  3. no.

    It's called the bubble universe theory.

    In standard inflation, inflationary expansion occurred while the universe was in a false vacuum state, halting when the universe decayed to a true vacuum state. The bubble universe model proposes that different parts of this inflationary universe (termed a multiverse) decayed at different times, with decaying regions corresponding to universes not in causal contact with each other.

    Variants of the bubble universe model postulate multiple false vacuum states, which result in lower-energy false-vacuum child universes spawned, which in turn produce true vacuum state child universes within themselves.

    The theory can never be proven nor disproven because we can never escape our Universe. Universe means everything. All inclusive. Space in our Universe is curved. Travel as far and as fast as you want to. You will never come to a wall nor an end. There is no 'outside'.

    Anyone can believe whatever they want. I believe the bubble theory is a load of bunk.

  4. Your guess is as good as anyone elses........they've only fairly recently gotten surface detail on Pluto, which in the big picture of things, is really close.  The only way they know other planets exist in other star systems is by the wobble of the star caused by planets going around it, we've never truly seen any others.  I think we need a few hundred years, if not thousands, to have technology to find out.....if ever.

  5. by definition here is only one universe, your friend is obviously ignorant about astronomy

  6. The universe is composed of all matter and antimatter, all energy and all space. It already contains antimatter, physicists have found some. There is no room for another universe, and if there was one, mostly made of antimatter,  it would still be part of our universe because the universe includes everything

    There are many billions of stars and possibly billions of galaxies too in our universe

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