
Other careers for dancers?

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I'm a dancer, and I also teach dance. Lately I've noticed that I really don't like teaching.....I don't even think I really like kids that much.

I do like doing choreography and working on shows.

Teaching doesn't really pay well either. I want to perform more myself, and teach less(maybe just work with my older students)....but I also need to find a way to pay the bills.

Any one have any suggestions?




  1. well... it depends on where you live, if you live in somewhere like new york or somewhere where there is a theatre  then you should look into trying out for a show or a broadway show. im not really sure on how to be a cheorgrapher so good luck!

  2. you could start dance workshops. That wayyou only choreograph  only Older, experienced dances for older dancers.

    You may want to go work as a dancer for Disney. Google it. I hear its a blast!

    You may want check out companies for adults and look there.

    Best of luck to you!

  3. If you like choreography and working on shows, definitely try doing the workshop thing. Apply for part-time teaching positions at festivals (like American Dance Festival). And try to find inexpensive dance spaces that you could rent and hold dance workshops there. Save up money then put up ads that you'd like to start a small dance company that could showcase your choreography. My dance teacher (who owns the dance school) danced in our junior company in the early years of its existence. So this could be an oppurtunity for you to dance as well. Workshop example ( [under education]) and you can do something like Maria- )

    Good Luck finding a better alternative...

    Ps, I don't know what state you're in or if you're willing to move, but there are alot of choreographers with small/medium companies that get the dancers to collaborate with the choreographer. Look Around (for example: Margie Jenkins and Monica Bill Barnes)

  4. hmmm promotion work (nothin ta do with dance i know) but its versitile and good money and its not contracted so you can just get it when you need it :) while you are doing that work with your older students and put on a showcase and invite agents and stuff :D

    make sure you dance in it yourself tho

    gd luck x

  5. I don't know just teach dance any way I guess I haven't gotten that far in my ballet career to tell you but you could try a normal job like a job at Berger king or something like that =^..^=

  6. Choreograph competition troupes!  They're more for the older, more serious dancers so you won't have any students that aren't prepared to listen and to work hard.

    And if choreography is your thing, then this is definitely for you.

    Some dancers also teach Pilates and Yoga :)

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