
Other countries recognise the danger of immigration and are doing something to sort it out - why can't the UK?

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Enought is Enough !!

We should all lobby harder to insist the cowards in New Labour srt this problem out NOW !!




  1. Don't you wonder sometimes just who the Government represent.  Seems like none of their policies are popular.  

  2. From an objective point of view, immigrants are people who come to fill up a void. It's not their fault that local whites are not having children.

    If there aren't enough people to keep the economy moving, you need to import them. Blame yourselves, for failing to reproduce.

  3. The UK is not a Country,

    But a Union of England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland altogether,

  4. The government has now started doing something. The laws are changing which I hope should benefit everyone. There is no need for unskilled work permit visas when the UK has its own citizens on the dole and millions entering from Eastern Europe.

    But I agree a lot more should be done and the government has the green light to press ahead with radical reforms.

    Its the British public who have to demand action.

  5. Cherie Blairs business was getting asylum seekers into the country.They are responsible for letting in an average of 63,000 per month since they came to power. Thats 12x63x10=7,560,000 too date.Then theres the EU immigrants and plenty more.I would say there are about 12-15 million here now.Then they forcibly removed my white wife of 24 years marriage.I am British.Her Grandparents were British.F**k Labour.. I cannot wait to see them go.The have F**ked us Brits over and foreigners have more rights and access than us.Vote them out please.Collude to vote 2 to Tory and 1 to BNP.We need to tighten up now.Preserve our heritage because Labour will never.They believe in a colourless,classless,tasteless society.

  6. UK has already done something that USA and Canada are not doing.

    UK has prevented Anchor babies being born in there since 1983 (25 years ago).

    USA and Canada still allow anchor babies to be born in those countries.

  7. Immigration has been good for the U.K. in the past - maybe it will be again when we have sorted out the tiny number of Muslim extremists who live here.

  8. Lobby??  I am British, can someone please explain what this word lobby means?

    Thanks for that, the sarchasm did not hit the right spot then?

  9. because governments are only interested in money and their own public image. If you want something to happen you need to start a group get over 1000 members and raise a lot of money and then the government might take you seriously

  10. the government is ineffective

  11. enough is enough?? Really, who says??? you?? Well what if you really wanted to immigrate to Australia for a better life, just for example, and an Australian said to you, "No, go back to where you are from, we don't want anymore immigrants!" - what would you say to that person?? My guess is it would begin with "f" and end with "off" - come on  - open your mind a little - or is there any room left in there for expansion.

  12. Because this Labour Government look upon them as future voters/supporters!

  13. No, we can't be seen to upset anyone! Guh don't you know that by now?

  14. Because this government and its civil service might be very good at preparing written legislation but they are absolutely hopeless at any form of implementation.

    They should take some lessons from the Chinese

  15. Do something about immigration you have just said a naughty word , don't let Labours PC department hear you else they may deport you and let an immigrant in,  In your place

  16. You Brits are going to wait until your back is to the wall before you do something.

    When your family is starving, you'll do something.

    First, you'll repeal immigration and asylum laws.

    Second, you'll vote out your sellout liberal politicians.

    Third, you'll start deporting.

    Fourth, during the race war, you'll bleed, they'll die.

    Fifth, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and all of your neighbors will be in the same boat you're in.

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