
Other course work help please?

by Guest34316  |  earlier

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do you have really horrid vivid scary dreams that you remember for ages and dread having it again? well if you do could you go through the horror of telling me about it as it would really help me out thank you




  1. My scariest dream consists of being chased by a gunned person and I run up to the roof, panting and sweating and I have to either jump or be shot and killed. I always choose to jump and I wake up terrified. I dread the dream and it always ends up the same. I still fear of not waking up before I fall. That's my personal nightmare.

  2. I used to have a reoccuring dream that just flicked between teo scenes continuously. Both were in darkened empty rooms. The first scene just had this giant flower in it and one by one the petals started to drop off and I can remeber there being this sickly sweet music playing. Once the final petal had dropped of the room went completly black and when I looked up it went grey and all I could see was this huge dark weight coming down on me and it felt as though my mouth had been stuffed with cotton wool. I used to wake up feeling really freaked out because the whole dream just felt horrible.

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