
Other reasons for abortions legality?

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This isn't about abortion being a fundamental right. I asked a question on that and it's unproveable. So anyways abortion was legalised because the supreme court decided that a woman had privacy in regards to her body.




  1. I only have one to two reasons.

    1. both lives are threatened; and or one or the other life is threatened.

    2. severe cruel rape that leaves psychological scares beyond repair; and, or have that potential.

  2. What were your reasons in the first place?

    What is your question?

    Technically, nothing is proveable, and so it comes down to what is right or wrong for the nation.

  3. You are missing a HUGE piece of the puzzle.

    Drugs are a multi-billion bussiness.  Big Pharm, and thier lobbying efforts, are the reason for the 'War on Drugs'.

    On the other hand, there is relatively little money in abortions.  Therefore, it comes down to a moral dilemma.  As it stands, more people value freedom of choice over the possiblilty that a fetus is actually human.  I am one such person...I don't really see the intrisic value in a human fetus.  Even if it can be considered 'human' what?  Are humans such a rare species that we need more of them?  I think not....

  4. You raise a very interesting point, and I personally take issue with this notion that the unborn child is a "non-living" clump of cells, it's too absurd to even discuss.  I view termination of pregnancy as a highly unfortunate thing.  My primary reason for supporting the right to termination of pregnancy is in the interest of public health, solely, inasmuch as a proper TOP can ONLY be performed by one who is properly trained and credentialed in performing such a procedure with care.  Simply too many women died along with their unborn babies when these procedures were performed by those without proper licensure.

    I find it atrocious that men aren't involved in the decision-making process with respect to TOP, but this is at the discretion of secular law, and I simply lack the authority to intercede in this capacity.

    In terms of the Drug War, I'm of the opinion that it's an utter failure that's purely driven by the interest of tax revenue.  Nothing of any significance has been advanced by this silly "War on Drugs."  And, moreover, Alcohol & Tobacco are far more egregious threats than all the Marijuana in the world.

    In the interest of helping physicians diagnose and treat patients without regulatory bodies constantly forcing them to waste time attempting to sort out drug-seekers from patients who genuinely are suffering, it's in society's best interest, in my humble opinion, that this silly war end, and that ALL DEA-controlled agents (even Sched. I) be available to customers, of legal age, on a Caveat Emptor basis.  It'd really be no different than the sale and distribution of Alcohol.  If they are legal, then the users of these agents could be taxed.  Additionally, if there manufacturing is regulated, then there can be purity assurance and less people would require hospitalzation for untoward effects of impurities in "laced" street products.

  5. Abortion was granted as a legal option because of right to privacy AND bodily integrity. Lets focus on the facts and not muddy the waters with comparing apples and oranges (legalizing drugs and abortion).

    A person, in conference with their doctor, has the right to determine what medical procedures they will undergo without the interference of the government. along with this right, though, INHERENT in this right, is the right to bodily integrity. Bodily integrity has nothing to do with illegal drugs.  

  6. I think that if a woman dosnt want to have a child but has no other option if she accidently falls pregnant, then that child wont be born into the best environment.  A child needs to be wanted.

  7. Abortion is legal because there are a lot of male 'losers' impregnating women. Rapists are losers, but so are 'players'. Any man who is unable or unwilling to financially provide for a woman he has impregnated is a 'loser' to the women he impregnated. That doesn't necessarily mean he is a loser in every area of his life, but at a very basic Darwinian level, he is deemed a loser by the woman he impregnated, so his genes will not be passed on if the woman deems that her offspring will not have a high enough quality of life to make it worth her while to bring the child into the world.  

    I could care less how many women are having abortions, or why they are choosing to have them. I know that male 'losers' are an enormous part of the reason why many women choose to abort.  

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