
Other than a Army, navy, or air force where can i go to school to get prepared for a career in the army?

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Getting into West Point is probably out of the question for me because i had very poor grades in my freshman and sophomore years, but i would like to go to a school to prepare me for a career in the armed forces.




  1. any college with rotc program look it up and email me if you can actually find a school name please i have been looking for the same thing

  2. Most colleges offer ROTC, which gives you credit in the armed forces.  You can major in anything, and just participate in the ROTC program.  I think if you are in the ROTC, if you decide to develop a career in the military, you will go in as an officer.  However, a graduate of the ROTC program is not required to go into the military.  

  3. admin ?

  4. The Citadel is a great military school. As long as you can score high on your SAT the grades in your earlier years of high school aren't as important. If you still have high school left, take ROTC.

  5. Almost every state university has Army ROTC. Also, many schools that are too small to have a whole ROTC unit will be affiliated with neighboring schools, so that their students can take advantage of the ROTC programs. For instance, if you were at Univ of Chicago you could join the ROTC unit at the nearby University of Illinois Chicago campus.

    Probably you can just pick out some schools you are interested in and then check their websites, they will explain how to do ROTC at their school. There are a lot of possibilities for scholarships and support from the ROTC, but you have to be a decent student and major in some subject that the Army approves. You also have to be in good health and of good character (= no police record).

  6. How about this school:

    Admiral Farragut was the first Admiral in the Navy.

    Good Luck,I hope this helps!

  7. try military school search in your state so you can finish high school other than that if you have bad grades you don't have much chance getting into military academies after high school. The only other way to become an officer is to actualy join the army

  8. take  rotc  

  9. Don't do ROTC in college unless you  are very broke and need money bad.

    ROTC is considered babysitting.  Also go Marine OCS after college so that you can grow a pair.

    ROTC ARMY is a joke at the college I went to.  Then I looked into the Marines and found the military.

    The best thing you can do to prepare for the military is to get into shape and have an idea what you want your MOS to be early on so you can prepare specifically for that.  I don't know if you want to be a pilot or drive a boat but make sure you get a degree that will help you when you graduate and when you are in the army and after the army.  So lets say your foot is blown off you can still get a job as an engineer.

    Also learning an Arabic dialect wouldnt be bad either or Pashtu, Farsi or some language the Gov is hurting for.  Alot of officers have history or political science degrees.

  10. A lot of schools not afiliated with the armed forces have ROTC courses for the Army, Navy, Airforce, and Marines, You can take these courses for either 2 or 4 years, but if you go for 4 you are required to join the armed forces,  you would start as an officer btw which would mean better jobs and better pay

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