
Other than an adult store where can i find adult magazines???

by Guest63488  |  earlier

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It feels like a dumb question to ask but I don't know. The adult store near my house closed and its a small city so where do i buy it??? also, adult videos?? where could I get me that?! other than online of course!




  1. adult movies are great! :]

    they usually sell magazines in convenient stores such as 711 and if there is  blockbuster and Sam goodies in your town you can either rent or buy the movies.

    I say rent the movie, so you can watch a variety of them

  2. Ebay, in the Mature Audiences section.

  3. a book store for the mags and bluckbluster for the videos

  4. Well for magazines a news stand/magazine store will have a bunch, but for videos, you are limited to online.

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