
Other than besides flamino which other dane forms in spain?

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which other types of dances in spain besides flaminco.other than flaminco tell me the types of dances in spain.




  1. Flamenco has many varieties...bulerías, sevillanas, fandangos, rumbas.... (and more)...

    Malaga has a local dance called Verdiales

    In northern Spain you will find La Jota (and its variants) in Castilla, Aragon, and other areas...

    In Catalunya... The Sardana is the local dance (done in a round).

    In Galicia and Asturias local dances are accompanied by La Gaita (a type of bagpipe similar to the Cornemeuse used in Brittany-France) and are of a celtic style and origin...

    Baleares also has a local type of dance that uses a pair of giant sized castanyets. (don't remember the name of the dance right now).

    And each of the Canary Islands too have their own folkloric dances.

  2. People say Salsa but believe me its not! Cha cha type dance here which is based on 5 steps. But mainly Flamenco.

  3. Well, they do a normal, everyday, disco type dancing.

    Every province has a folk dance of their own...some are based on FlamEnco, and some are based on other types of folk dance.  In the northeast, the dance is very similar to Irish dances, and is accompanied by a bagpipe-like instrument.

    Also: the fandango comes from Spain, and the Paso Doble, and most of what you think of as Latin dancing has some roots in Spanish dance and music, as well as the native of the area, and the africans - escaped slaves who settled in the Carribbean region.

  4. The Semillanas is another really famous dance - practically every spanish woman i know can dance it, less popular with men as they tend to learn flamenco.

  5. Other than flamenco, we have all types of dances here, from traditional and regional, to raves, line dancing, ceroc and ball room. Depends on what you want really.

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