
Other than change... symbolism of the dragon/butterfly?

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I know it represents change and the cycle of life. What else does it symbolize?

Please state sources if possible.




  1. Dragonflies have various symbolisms in various cultures.

    In Europe they were often seen as sinister like so many other misunderstood animals and were even called the Devil's Darning Needle...

    Native Americans have represented the dragonfly through purity and energy and in Asian cultures the insect can represent luck, peace, and even courage.

    Butterflies have an even wider, albeit more positive, range of symbolisms. Everything from rebirth (much like the phoenix) and longevity to symbols of men and women themselves and the various stages of their lives. Sometimes the butterfly has even been linked with the moon.

    That is what I have for quick reference. Hope it helps.

  2. Dragonflies represent the powers of light and transformation, and the ability to see through illusion. They bring prosperity and harmony. The dragonfly, as a totem, teaches skillful action while maintaining a free and joyful sense of being.

    Dragonflies symbolize illusion, dreams, change, enlightenment, irresponsibility, unreliability, weakness, instability, swiftness, dreams and seeing the truth. They are messengers of the elemental world and the god/esses. They are connected to Summer.

    Dragonfly is the essence of the winds of change, the messages of wisdom and enlightenment, and the communications from the elemental world. Dragonfly medicine always beckons you to seek out the parts of your habits which you need to change.

    The butterfly's unwavering acceptance of her metamorphosis is also symbolic of faith. Here the butterfly beckons us to keep our faith as we undergo transitions in our lives. She understands that our toiling, fretting and anger are useless against the turning tides of nature – she asks us to recognize the same.

    Interestingly, in many cultures the butterfly is associated with the soul – further linking our animal symbolism of faith with the butterfly.

    In Greek myth, Psyche (which literally translates to mean “soul”) is represented in the form of a butterfly. Befittingly, Psyche is forever linked with love as she and Eros (the Greek god of love, also known in Roman myth as Cupid) shared an endlessly passionate bond together – both hopelessly in love with the other.

  3. Dragons have traditionally represented power, might, and often wealth (eg. hoards of treasure).  In some Asian communities dragons are symbols good luck and fortune, while others are sly, cunning evil spirits that threaten peace and harmony.  In China it was once illegal for peasants to wear any garment with a dragon on it; that right was reserved solely for the emperor and royalty (it was said that dragons guarded and protected the royal family; eg. Mushu in Mulan).  In opposition, in Western socities dragons are often seen as evil beasts (this belief most likely derived from the biblical refernce of the chapter of Revelations where the Devil appears as a enormous dragon).  Western and Eastern societies both have tales that show dragons as beneficial creatures of beauty and as demons of terrible destruction.  What they mean really depends on the culture and beliefs of each society.  (I personally <3 dragons; they can be so pretty in pictures and sculpture).  

    As for butterflies, they traditionally stand for beauty, innocence, and life (aside from change, of course).  Butterflies are somewhat less mysterious and mystical than dragons, and you would be rather hard pressed to find tale of butterflies (especially where the butterfly was not "good" so to speak).

    (Here's just an exerpt of Revelations 12:7-9; this should give you a good idea of where most Western beliefs of dragons originated:

    "And there was war in heaven.  Michael and his angels fought agains the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.  But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.  The great dragon was hurled down- that ancient devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray.  He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him."

    -Not exactly a praising depiction, eh?).

  4. Just stick with dragons.  We rule it all.

    DRAGON 21008


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