
Other than gamblers and drunks, do people really like watching football?

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It really is a game where the bigger team always wins. The strategy is just to get in the way of the other team while the fastest guy on your team runs it in.

Maybe I am missing something, but the sport seems like nothing more than an excuse to drink and bet.




  1. You make it sound like it's easy.

    A lot of different people like football: lawyers, doctors, costruction workers, heck Michael Phelps loves football.

    In short, your wrong.

    Lmao@ Deric: You try doing the 200 Fly @ 1:52.0

    No skill my butt

  2. "The strategy is just to get in the way of the other team while the fastest guy on your team runs it in."

    Believe me bro, easier said than done.

  3. are you kidding? football is like my life for half of the year. GO BEARS

  4. I love to watch football because my team, the Dallas Cowboys, are just soooo awesome. I love the bragging rights. It makes me feel good to watch football because it gives me something to take about with the guys, and I actually know what's going on.


  5. Well, I get paid to watch football so that's my excuse.

    The biggest guys don't always win.  The fastest guys don't always win either.  I cannot count the number of games I've seen where the team with the better athletes lost.

  6. Honestly it would take someone who is drunk to ever come up with that kind of explanation for football.

    You certainly are missing a lot!

  7. gaymin i dont understand your question maybe you could word it so that us simple folk can truly get what you are talkin bout  

  8. i started watching football at the age of 9. lol i always made bets with my friends. I always won like $20 or something.

    Now, 5 years later, I watch for the love of the game.  

  9. I don't have time to answer your question...  I'm a bit hammered right now and I have to get my bets down soon!

  10. I am a drinker and gambler, it does go hand and hand with football, can't wait for football season

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