
Other than getting a job for the summer what else can you do with your free time?

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i applied jobs and its is gonna take a while to respond what else can i do while i wait....i live in new york any ideas





  2. go to times square and video tape it then put it on you tube then i'll watch it!all the way from here in calfornia

  3. Believe it or not - volunteer somewhere - find an organization that you are interested in from cleaning up the planet to helping kids.  There's lots of opoorturnities out there and a lot of organizations that need the help - keep in mind those organizations also have paying jobs and if you come in as a great volunteer that's also a way of interviewing for a job that may not be open now but the higher ups might see you as a valuable asset and offer you something - you never know!  Good luck and do something positive for yourself and your community.

  4. You can go to the library and get a good book.  Go to the gym and go for nature walks.  Clean house.  take up a hobby.  The list goes on.  Last year I took time to stay home and be a housewife and it was great, but I am back at work and appreciate it more.


  6. PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Volunteer at the homeless mission, food pantry, hospital or nursing home, take pottery lessons, learn how to make  jewelry, draw animal feet, or paint pansies, refinish the dining room table and your dresser drawers, paint them an unusual color, learn sign language, french, German or Spanish, help a senior run errands, sort through all your drawers and donate your extra clothes, shoes, coats, jewelry, and household goods, fix all the odd and end broken stuff, start post carding (sending/ receiving post cards from all over the world), sign up for the local amateur theater, visit 10 different museums, meet your neighbors and have a block pitch in party, join a local church,  run errands for a senior citizen, learn to dance, become a clown or a mime and last: volunteer at the local animal shelter or humane society.

  8. go volunteer somewhere. you can put that on your application or resume to as experience.

  9. Volunteer somewhere. You could do the sacrifice thing and volunteer somewhere crappy, but it might be better to volunteer somewhere you can do stuff you like, or work with pretty girls / handsome guys (depending on who you are).

    I live in FL and if I wasn't working now I'd be volunteering to go work at the beach parks to help sea turtles hatch. There's a program in Hawaii where you commit to a month or two and get to go over there and help sea turtles and other wildlife. You live there for free and also get paid a bit for it.

    I dunno the website but I'm sure you can google it.


    You could also do handyman jobs. Learn how to work on cars, paint houses / rooms, care for yards, fix electrical wiring, etc. There's always work for a handyman and it's tax-free... also, if you ever start traveling and decide you want to do it full-time, it's a great way to make money in other countries as you travel.

  10. There are all kinds of volunteer positions available:

    Literacy, Hospitals, Playgrounds, Day-camps, etc.

    Check with community centres or churches.

  11. Talk to some homeless people.

  12. make movies with your friends. Goto a class at MOMA! Take an art class of any kind- there are tons there. Take poloraids and send them to random people. Take a dance class. Skateboard! ride the subway and people watch.  Make a documentry on the subway muscians. BOY YOU LIVE IN NYC COME ON!

  13. maybe one day u could like get 5 of ur most favorite movies make sum popcorn for urself and watch them all...

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