
Other than money what are other ways Canada contributes to foreign aid?

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Other than money what are other ways Canada contributes to foreign aid?




  1. Maple Syrup? Molson x*x?

  2. Water. Canada contributes (and exports for that matter) a lot of water.

  3. Its military forces in Afghanistan coordinate and form provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs), which engage in various infrastructure projects at the community level.

    Canada also has its own VSO, which sends expert volunteers to participate in aid and development activities. There are many Canadians who are UN Volunteers. Various paid and volunteer staff make up Canadian NGO activity abroad. There are also many Canadians who have made aid, relief and development work a career, and work for a variety of institutions serving poorer countries.

  4. Well all money is what we do and that why foreign people are comming here the get  access to more government subsidys and housing then a true candian gets why? Our government is going to go into a hole because these people are draing our system which my result in canada being blunt about racism.

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