
Other than pink eye, what kind of soreness/ infection could I have?

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I woke up and my eye was sore. It had some crust but I was just thinking it was morning dust. I looked in the mirror and it was more red than my other eye. There's no stringy discharge, it's not watery and it only hurts like the muscle is sore. Could it be that I just slept on my face the wrong way?


P.S. I don't think it's pink eye because I had it before and it was horrible! All I have is redness and soreness. I also have a cold right now, not sure if it's related.




  1. you might be gettin a sty, if the pain doesnt go away and starts to increase when you move your head, you've got urself a sty otherwise i donno

  2. Yea probably a sty, poor you...but it'll go away

    The first symptoms of a sty are generally redness, tenderness, and pain in the affected area. The eye may feel irritated or "scratchy." Later symptoms can include swelling, discomfort during blinking of the eye, watering of the eye, and sensitivity to light. A common sign of a sty is a small, yellowish spot at the center of the bump that develops as pus expands in the area.

    Application of a warm compress or warm washcloth to the affected area for 10 minutes, four to six times a day, can aid in the relief of symptoms. A sty should not be pressed or squeezed.

  3. You more than likely have some of the virus from your cold affecting your eye.  The cold affects your whole sinus system.  Your eyes included.  Unless you have a definite lump on the eyelid, I would not call it a sty.  Use warm compresses on the eye 3-4 times a day.  With warm water, soak a facecloth until it is as warm as you can tolerate, not HOT, and hold it against your eyes until the temperature starts to cool.  Re-warm the facecloth and repeat this for about 5 minutes.  Do this as stated, 3-4 times a day.  If, after your cold has gone aways, the symptoms persist, call your optometrist.

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