
Other than promote a million entitlement programs during his "career", ?

by Guest33388  |  earlier

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what has NObama actually accomplished as a politician




  1. I did not know that Obama fought for entitlements for Halliburton and other warmongering contracting firms to get no bid contracts for billions of dollars??


  2. if not elected...He'll be a new host on the view....that said, Obama has not voted on any important issues, knowing it would affect his campaign....if people haven't noticed, he doesn't like to answer the tough questions without first conferring with the puppeteers who are really running his show.  He uh's and ah's his way thruogh, while thinking of some conveluded answer, leaving you as unimformed as you were before the question was asked

  3. he stripped guns away from law-abiding citizens.  To a liberal, I suppose that is an accomplishment.

    he lets perfectly born babies get stabbed in the back and the neck and terms it as partial-birth abortion.  When in fact it is complete-birth abortion.

    He makes liberals happy

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