
Other than proof - do you have a favorite idea on how it all began?

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Yahoo comic: Frank and Ernest. Sep 2, 2008

Please do not remind us how it actually started, as we all know - but tell me (us) your favorite secret possible way.

No thumbs down but please do not be so serious...for 1 question. Thanks!




  1. Time is the way in which we perceive a 4th dimension (an illusion if you will), there's no reason to assume that's it's necessarily linear or with beginning or end.  It's also my belief that the motion of time (as we perceive it) is dependent upon the expansion/contraction of the universe.  In this sense, there is no beginning or end.  It's simply back and forth for all eternity.

    Time simply does not exist in the way that we perceive it to.

  2. Cute! I saw that in the paper this morning. Too funny. God bless and keep you

  3. I believe that matter and energy, which did not exist, recognized itself in nonexistence before creating itself from nothing.

    Logic would indicate that since there is a cause and effect for everything in the universe, an origin would require an uncaused cause, an eternal entity.

    I don't believe in logic though....

  4. Try and find a story by Isaac Asimov called "The Last Question."

    That's my favorite answer.

    EDIT: "The Last Question" or "The Final Question", can't remember exactly.

  5. Here it is:


  6. Im not very imaginative but I imagine a deity of some sort playing in his food like the guy in Close Encounters of the Third Kind..and it just kinda got out of control

    In all honesty I just think it is and always has been.  

  7. Read a book called The Wild Road. It has one of the most unique Creation stories I've ever read.

    It's kind of like Watership Down with cats.

  8. Favorite way: Some kid was playing with his chemistry set. His mom told him to clean his room, and he shoved his experiement under his bed. It grew, just like the things under my bed when I was a kid. It produced what we now call "the universe". But you just wait. One day soon, that kid is off to college, and mom is going to really clean. This is what we like to refer to as the "end times". Not god, but a vacuum cleaner and some carpet cleaner are what's going to end it for us.

    But, it's an interesting thought. I wonder what my son has under his bed?



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