
Other than simply not driving, is there anything we can do about the gas prices?

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I haven't filled up at an Exxon or a Mobil station for about 5 years now simply because I know those 2 are the monsters of the industry.

But in all reality, is there anything that we the public can do to get these outrageous gas prices down?

Why don't we tap into our resources here at home instead of relying on foreign countries?







    A proven hybrid water conversion kit that costs only $50. No joke, this system can get you an extra 40% fuel efficiency.

  2. The problem with tapping into our resources is that political roadblocks have been set up (on both side of the political spectrum) to prevent this.    The left is concerned about disrupting the current ecosystem in place, and the right is concerned about their financial investments in place overseas.

    Another drawback to drilling here is that it would take a minimum of 10 years to set up the refineries, the pipelines, etc.    At the outside, it would take an entire generation.    Some business analysts on CNBC recently estimated that it would ultimately only save us a nickel per gallon.    I don't know anyone that would consider that cost efficient.

    The problem begins at the top of this administration, and works its way down, deep throughout the government.

    Also, many people are touting Ethanol as a solution, but with a current food shortage worldwide, not to mention the fact that it costs more to refine Ethanol than petroleum, then that's not an answer either.

    Our market is a supply and demand one.  As long as we're paying the $4 for a gallon of gas, then nothing will happen.   Unfortunately, we as Americans are so apathetic about doing anything, I don't expect any change anytime soon.

  3. First of I pray for God to keep the prices down but also to stretch what I have.  By leaving for work earlier I can drive 50 to 55 (instead of 20-30 ) miles per hour.  Along the way, I pray those around me also get that good gas mileage from driving that speed.  

    I share with my friends when I find a "cheap" place to buy gas.  I carpool when I can.  

    I agree absolutely to use our resources at home...Like use the oil off the coast of California that the environmentalists are keeping us from using.

  4. Holy Lamb and Jan's answers are beaut plus some others,

    Yes Prayer is vital.

    In Aus and off our Coast here, we have soo many natural resources, that haven't even been tapped into, yet, for reasons spelled out, but we keep buying from overseas greedy monsters who love Control!

  5. drilling for oil causes global warming

  6. Part of the problem you address is the dependence on foreign oil.

    The US government has had a policy in place for years that has us use everyone Else's oil first, while we save ours for the end of the oil era.  This would militarily allow us to have defense when the oil is running out around the world.

    There are oil deposits that have not been tapped into in the US and elsewhere around the world.  Some of that is due to location (deep water, conservation areas, etc. etc) When it comes to the last deposits, you know the govt will demand that we get it.

    Someone said that it would take 10 years to build the refineries and other needed infrastructure to handle the increased capacity.  Part of the problem with that is where are they going to be built?  Everyone will say "Build them, ........... just not in my backyard!"

    A very complex situation.

  7. This is really a complex question.  If the average gas mileage of cars are increased, then people would just drive more often.  I know that since I change my light bulbs to Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs I leave them on longer.

    The bottom line is that it is up to the government to make an INITIATIVE (the first move) to make a major change.  In France the government decide to get most of it's electrical power from Nuclear power.  So now they get 80% of the electricity from Nuclear power (lowering foreign fuel needs).

    In Brazil, the government initiated alternative fuel movement some 25 years ago and NOW most of their cars run on E85 grown on sugar canes (not corn).

    Our government seems to be under the thumb of oil companies, so they are reluctant to give up their gravy train.

    Good Luck.

  8. Sorry, simply not driving *was* our solution. Welcome to the bus....

  9. Our family is having to switch to a church nearer us for most of the summer, since the church we like is 45 minutes away :(

    I don't know about you, but I'm going to be praying for God to help our country, since gas prices aren't our only problem. 'Bout all we can do.

  10. Nothing, other than plan our trips wisely so that we don't waste gas.

  11. Use fuel saver. Log on to pl don't get outrageous and start killing that drive.

  12. The best way is to decrease demand. As long as we keep using their product they have no reason to cut prices.

  13. I cannot believe how high gas prices are. I try not to go anywhere because of this ( during the day that is, as I drive a mini van) so I wait until my husband gets home to drive our smaller car to run errands.

  14. There are a number of ways to cut back, first would be to leave any larger vehicle that you own at home and use your smallest one/s for most things. The most efficient mileage for most cars is between 45 & 55 MPH so if you can cut back from 70 a bit on the highway you are saving a little at a time. Also keep tires properly inflated and keep your engine tuned.

    Share rides whenever possible and combine trips on one side of the town or another. And even though you may save a penny or two a gallon by driving around till you see the best price, you are wasting more than that by driving around looking.

    Some gas stations have an alert emailed to you when prices are going up and i know at least one in our area SPeedway/SuperAmerica that you can check thier web site for the current prices at their stations around town before you set out for the day.

    On Air conditioning vs. windows down i have heard that the drag on a car is increased with windows down and really offsets the small loss of running the air conditioner, so use your air conditioner.

  15. There is really nothing we can do to lower prices.  If you drive less that will do nothing to change fuel prices.  Why?  Because we NEED oil.  You drive less and spend less money, guess what?  Oil companies will raise the price to make more profits.  Then we HAVE to pay the price to get fuel.  Driving less will not affect the price, because oil companies will raise the price, like they have been doing with the US using less gas and driving more fuel efficient vehicles.

    The only thing we can do is allow drilling in places that were restricted before, while at the same time develop other means of power.  My vote goes for eletric vehicles, because there are many different ways of making electricity.  This way we can use our own oil until we discover an inexpensive method of replacing the combustion engine.

  16. Write your congressman and tell him that you want tax dollars to be spent on research and development on hydrogen-fusion engines.

  17. The cost of a barrel of oil is directly linked to the value of the dollar among other things (such as demand).  For every percent the dollar falls the price of oil goes up $4 a barrel.  The way to strengthen the dollar is to spend it ( don't sound right does it).  That is why there are economy stimulus checks being mailed and people are encouraged to spend them.  Hopefully it will stop a downward spiral but I doubt it.

  18. I think this country should start a revolt - NO driving for one day - no buses, no delivery trucks, no garbage pick-up, etc. - NOTHING.  We should just stop driving for one day in protest of the high gas prices.  That should get the government to do something.  That's just my idea.  If we don't make a noise, we won't be heard.

  19. I personally don't drive nearly as much as I used to.

    I discovered I could save money by staying at home (hear that, two income families? it costs more in gas, second car, clothing, convenience items and foods, to send Mom to work outside the home).

    I only buy groceries or run errands a few times per month, when I am already out at some appointment.  Usually when I leave the house, I map out the most logical way to accomplish the most possible with the smallest amount of gas.  I also have a bike in case things get really bad.

  20. first i want to make a comparison for thought... at one time a diesel was the economical way to go now it is up to 450 a gallon.. but if you go to mexico it is 200 a gallon. in my opinion the difference is greed of a lot of different people.. there is nothing you can do.. i recomment riding a bicycle and not buying fuel if you can.. if you are withing five miles of your destination.. ride a bicycle or if it is safe to ride theshoulder get a scooter.. 100 miles to the gallon.. but the price will go down faster than it went up if we get battery powered vechicles that is the only way.. and then you have to worry about getting riped off by the manufactures of thease vechicles.. and then by the electric copanys.. for chargin it .

  21. One thing you can do is fill your tires with Nitrogen.  (see the link below) which supposedly gets you 6% savings on gas.

    The best thing though, would be to push for more drilling, and for building refineries.  Check out this article for five solutions that I think are right on:

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