
Other than someone having a great personality what's the first physical feature you look for that you want?

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I like women with a great personality but not to sound shady or anything but has to be cute to me. I can't be with just anyone. But I think it's all a matter of preferences and usually personality if the main factor for both genders. Well I would hope and think at least.




  1. I am attracted to a personality, especially if he can make me laugh and bring me out of my shell.

    Yet physically it is the eyes, especially big brown puppy dog eyes. I swanny a persons eyes are the window to their soul.

  2. Well, for me, personality has to be #1. I mean, if they are dull and boring......who wants em lol. Look wise, the first thing I notice is their eyes, and then shoulders lol.  

  3. To be perfectly shallow....tallness, over 6 feet.

  4. personality is not a physical characteristic

  5. besides his personality physical feature i look for is his smile .. he has to have a cute smile =)

  6. Personality only goes so far, not to sound shallow but you have to be attracted to this person because if you are serious it is gonna be someone you have to be with for a while. That's if things go well.  

    I have never met a smoking hot lady with a good personality. Most are about how much money do you have so I can get more stuff to look better. It's toss up. I prefer a lady that can catch my eye and still hold an intelligent conversation.


    P.S. I never want to grow old, old people have white hair, problems moving, they loose the elasticity in their skin ewwewewewewew

    A seventy year old man goes to the bingo hall to pick up old chicks,,ewewewewe he walks up and says hey baby wanna share my centrim silver and a drink of my insure. ewewewew

    LOL the good die young

  7. Although people may judge me for this, I am in no way racist.  I seem to just always be attracted to caucasian males... who are taller than me.

  8. personality is the only issue for me but i like someone who cares about what they look like and tries to look their best

  9. Obviously physical attraction is what going to lure you to someone. Whoever says that's not true is bullshizzing. You need to find your mate both physically, mentally, and intellectually attractive.

    Physically the first feature I look at is the combination of eyes, height, and physique.  

  10. personality is most important but I do love a great pair of legs.

  11. i like personality.

    But they definetly have to look good.

    Sometimes ill lower my standards for a regular guy, but he has to be special =]

  12. hes got to be fit..  

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