
Other than the usual symptoms of pregnancy does anyone know any other things to look for?

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Other than the usual symptoms of pregnancy does anyone know any other things to look for?




  1. Bleeding gums when brushing teeth! That was a strange one I had right from the beginning each time. I guess because of increased blood flow.

  2. I know that this is a standard symptom but the metalic taste!!! Didnt have it with my first but with my second... tasted like id just licked a banks worth of 2p's.

    Also, the feeling, its hard to explain but with my first i just knew i was pregnant!!  

  3. A pregnacy test usually tells you

  4. Bleeding gums, period-like pains, total and utter exhaustion.  

  5. MY TEETH...omg they became so sensitive straight away and started to bleed when I brushed them

  6. * Food Cravings

    * Darkening of your areolas (the skin around your nipples)

    * Implantation bleeding or cramping

    * Frequent urination

    * Fatigue (tiredness)

    * Tender, swollen b*****s

    * Altered sense of taste

    * Sensitivity to Aromas

    * Low Back Pain

    * Weight Gain

    * Heartburn

    * Mood Swings and Irritability

    * Dizziness and/or Fainting

    * Morning sickness

    * A missed period

    * Raise in body tempreture

    * And sometimes just Intuition

  7. freakishly sensitive sense of smell!  I had this with both my babies from the beginning, I could tell what the neighbours were cooking!

  8. believe it or not

    extra saliva, and oh my god was it gross...

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