
Other than with screwdrivers how can you unscrew something?

by  |  earlier

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i need to open my laptop but i dont have a small enough screwdriver is there anyother object to use. plz help thanks





  1. go get a eye glass kit you should have the screwdriver you need sometime that woks for me.

  2. Using anything other than the size needed could damage either the screwhead, or the casing around it.

    I'd suggest getting a "jeweler's" screwdriver set.  Or an eyeglass repair kit might have one small enough.  You can find both at department stores.

    Good Luck

  3. No you cant use anything else; go to a hardware store and buy the appropriate screwdriver.

  4. Unless you really know what you are doing, openning a laptop is usually a really bad idea. It is not the same as a PC and you can do some serious damage.

  5. why not buy a screwdriver small enough?

  6. i would suggest calling mac, dell, hp -whatever brand you have- and getting onto to their customer service line or a local computer repair shop.

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