= I am actually not very suprised that McCain chose a woman for VP. It has seemed for some time that he needed to chose someone from a different demographic just to stay in the news when Obama starts his TV onslaught.
= I just thought that it would be a woman with a number of years experience. However, I assumed that Elizabeth Dole would be excluded because she is a month older than John McCain.
= I am just suprised that he chose the youngest and the least experienced of the 7 Republican women who are currently serving as Senators or Governors.
= Do you think Sarah Palin's beauty was the deciding factor?
age 55 -Linda Lingle Hawaii 6 yrs experience
age 62 -M. Jodi Rell Connecticut 4 yrs experience
age 44 -Sarah Palin Alaska 2 yrs experience
age 65 - HUTCHISON, Kathyrn Ann Bailey (Kay) TX 15.2 years
age 55 - COLLINS, Susan Margaret ME 11.7 years
age 51 - MURKOWSKI, Lisa AK 5.7 years
age 72 - DOLE, Elizabeth Hanford NC 5.7 years