
Other women that McCain might have chosen?

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= I am actually not very suprised that McCain chose a woman for VP. It has seemed for some time that he needed to chose someone from a different demographic just to stay in the news when Obama starts his TV onslaught.

= I just thought that it would be a woman with a number of years experience. However, I assumed that Elizabeth Dole would be excluded because she is a month older than John McCain.

= I am just suprised that he chose the youngest and the least experienced of the 7 Republican women who are currently serving as Senators or Governors.

= Do you think Sarah Palin's beauty was the deciding factor?



age 55 -Linda Lingle Hawaii 6 yrs experience

age 62 -M. Jodi Rell Connecticut 4 yrs experience

age 44 -Sarah Palin Alaska 2 yrs experience



age 65 - HUTCHISON, Kathyrn Ann Bailey (Kay) TX 15.2 years

age 55 - COLLINS, Susan Margaret ME 11.7 years

age 51 - MURKOWSKI, Lisa AK 5.7 years

age 72 - DOLE, Elizabeth Hanford NC 5.7 years




  1. I think attractiveness played a key role.  But, I think the key was a shallow regard for the woman voter in general thinking that someone of Sarah Palin's experience would capture the votes that would have gone to Hillary Clinton.  If you look at Palin's experience from a rudimentary aspect, she's the perfect candidate - pro guns, pro-life, mother, woman, executive experience, native american heritage link, etc.  It's only when you stop to consider the actual qualification of those experiences that you start to have severe doubts.  Pro-life?  why did she have an amniocentesis? why wait for a week to tell hubby?  President of the pta?  in Wasilla?  mayor of Wasilla, 7500 people?  governor of alaska?  all 700000?  pretty weak.

  2. Linda Lingle?  You're kidding, right?  

  3. You forgot Condoleezza Rice. She probably would have made a more capable candidate, though I'm not surprised she wasn't picked.

  4. There is also Sen. Olympia Snowe with 35 years of elected experience and she has a high approval rating (one of the best for a senator) even in Maine.  She is 61.  The only problem is she is labled liberal as a Republican, but could better get the Hillary vote.

    Palin has a lot of conservative creed (to support the base) and she is a woman (to steal female moderates).  She is young enough to try for being president in 2012 and 2016.

  5. Beyonce?

  6. Miss Universe and Miss America maybe

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