
Others opinions on message boards for patients?

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I work as a mental health professional. I feel that Yahoo answers is a wonderful and anonymous way to ask questions. Do you think it is wrong or inappropriate to ask case study type questions about past patients for the opinion of others? I feel that it is not unethical because names and specific identifying information is changed to protect the patient. There are also many many book for students and professionals that are entirely case studies. Learning from other patients is the best way to learn, in my opinion. Do you think it is wrong to ask questions about patients in an anonymous way on Yahoo answers?




  1. I believe this is ethical, but risky. What if the anonymous person reads questions that could only apply to he/she? Patient confidentiality would be violated and you could be sued. So, make the questions generic w/o specific identifying data.

    But, pray tell, why would you want opinions from us. You are already a professional, surrounded by others ( I would assume ). Unless, you are just curious.

  2. I don't believe it is unethical. Case studies are important when researching mental health.I say Ask Away!

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