
Others with Eating Disorder?

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okay i have a eating disorder and im getting better got out of the hospital see therapist 2x a week ect..but now that school back ive notice this girl in my grade lost a lot of weight and i ask her about it in private and she didn't saying anything just the fact that i said others were noticing and she ask me what did they say like more concern with that? can i open up i told her i won't say anything and i know how she feels?..she wasn't fat before just normal now she really skinny..but im not sure she has it..because she will wear tank tops and short shorts and be fine with you think im overly parnoid or do you think im on to something..but i can't watch and see if she has any habbits with food because i have to eat with a nurse because of my issues..what should i do im so worried that i can't sleep?




  1. Look after your thats what you do and tell the nurse the nurse won,t tell her you told her.The nurse will help her. thats all you can do.

  2. your a sweet girl 4 caring definantly go talk to a school counsellor about ok.....good luck

  3. honey, take it from me... i'm often that other girl (i WAS fat when i started though) that people are worried about maybe has an eating disorder. even though she may be blowing you off and denying, if you offer up something on your side, she will open up to you. just keep trying- if my friend had kept asking instead of just giving up, i wouldn't be in the h**l i'm in right now.

    it's very sweet and considerate of you to feel a need to help this girl. offer up your side and even if she doesn't have an eating disorder you might get a new friend from the bonding aspect of sharing a secret.

    good luck honey, and good luck with your recovery. this channel on youtube has a lot of inspirational recovery videos:


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