
Oto cat question...?

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i have two otos, (i am planning on getting more soon...) they both seem healthy. they eat alot and are very active. one is the "regular" fat that an oto is supposed to be, is darker, and smaller than the other. im guessing this one is a guy? the larger one is paler, and rests alot more, but still eats a ton. but she (im guessing this ones the girl...) is alot fatter than my other oto, and pics of otos, on google. is she pregnant? how can you tell? does she have dropsy? its a catfish so it doesnt have scales, and i cant tell... or is she just a happy fat oto? she was "skinny" according to oto status when i got her. within a couple weeks she was fat, and has now been this way for about a month and a half... please help me... Thank you!!




  1. They are meant to have quite round bellies.

    However, female otos are known to get eggy, although are difficult to spawn and to rear fry in captivity. I did have an oto that did get obesely round, and was like it for several months, I can find photos of her later this evening. Unfortunately she died. On consulting with oto experts, it was suspected she either was eggy and became egg bound or had an internal parasite/problem. The other oto I had at the time was uneffected by this.

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