
Otocinclus catfish or Bristlenose pleco with my Discus?

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I've read that in rare instances both can suck on the slime coat of discus. which should i get? or should i avoid both?




  1. You should not depend on cleaners to clean the tank for you the best solution is prevention.  I would go with otos....and aside from that Discus like low light, algae should be a minimal issue.  

  2. for me, i'd rather have the otos. the bristlenose is large and will fight with the discus for territory, specially the roots or bogwood or even the breeding cones that you might put in. bristlenose will take over a piece of structure and stay around   there the whole day. discus are structure oriented and will swim around any they can find. otos on the other hand are easy to please and will be happy resting on leaves or around filters and mine like to stay near the current of the return pipe.

    actually, discus dont really like very bright tanks therefore you shouldn't have algae problems therefore you wouldn't need an algae eater

    jon, large compared to an oto. sure they're an inch or so  in the pet shop and most get to around three inches, but i've seen them up to five inches and at that size they're capable of holding off any discus, when you say bottom dwellers, what do you mean? bottom 1 inch? bottom 2 inch? bottom 3 inch? let's face it, bottom is a relative thing, in a 20 inch aquarium it's hard to define bottom, top, or middle.. my danios pick up food from the bottom and my plecos swim upside down to get food from the surface..

  3. Bristle nose would definitely be the best. As mentioned above the discus could possibly eat the oto's. On rare occasions has the event of a bristlenose sucked on the side of a discus, probably more of a common thing in other plecos. Oto's tend to clean more of the tough algae, and bristle nose will do a great job with other types of algae. They also love to chew on driftwood. I have a BN with my discus and they do absolutely wonderful together.

    Edit: If the slimy stuff is algae then most likely it will eat it, if not then take the wood out and rinse it off.

  4. Holy cow!!! Discus aren't going to go eating other fish my my my!!!

    A siamese Algae eater has a tendancy to do what you are describing, but I wouldn't think an Oto would.  I think in terms of interacting with your Discus, either fish will have the same meaning to it.  Both are going to tend to dwell in the lower levels of the tank, and a Discus is not the kind of fish that is a bottom feeder.

    I think most pleco's output more waste then they are worth since they are not true algae eaters as it is.  They are an armored catfish and a bottom feeder.  If you have concerns about an Oto though, then go with the Bristlenose.  Being a Discus keeper, one can only assume you are keeping your waters in pristine condition as Discus need anyways.


    Bristles though are known for being smaller of the typical plecos you see in a store.  For me, either one will work, unless the tank is far too small, but I doubt a Discus keeper would do such a thing given how expensive those fish are.  I mean large compared to what though?  Compare the Bristle to say a Butterfly or Sailfin pleco, I think the bristle is a much better choice.  Maybe a school of cories would be better too.  I'm happy at least someone else is reminding people that pleco's are not true algae eaters, thanks man!

  5. 1 bristlenose would be best. As the discus get huge they might eat the small little otos!

  6. Either should be OK with Discus.

    The Bristlenose dont grow large like some other plecos, and they do help control algae, especially the brown stuff that grows in a low light tank.

    Otos will be OK, they are quick enough to avoid Discus.

    Large plecos can be a problem with Discus, both with slime sucking and waste output. But the smaller species are not such a problem.


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