
Otopic pregnancy found out i had one 3 weeks ago

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is 6months the earlyest i can try again. dose any one have any personal expierence fromthis?




  1. Otopic? Does that mean ectopic..otherwish known as when the baby inplants in the fallopian tube? (god my spellings terrible today) Sorry if im wrong. Doctors usually reccomend to wait 6-12 months after a MC, Not because it takes that long for your body to heal (it may in the case of an ectopic pregnancy) but because it takes that long for your body to restore its natural vitamin/minerals to nourish an unborn baby. You can TTC straight away after a normal MC but it is advised to take a pregnancy supplement to help restore your natural vitamins/minerals. I would also recommend an iron supplement because the pregnancys multivitamins have a smaller dosage.  

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