
Ottawa ontario?

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just wondering if i can get some info on ottawa and there university.. i live thunder bay and want to go away for university .. just wondering if its expensive and if the nursing program is good. also about the clubs and scenery and the city if its smoogy.. also about the crime rate really anything about it!




  1. i don't know anything about the universities but the nightlife during hockey season isn't like any other city, i think we step it up 50 notches, so if you like hockey and partying you'll have a good time

  2. I'd go for Queens university in Kingston first, if I was going to college or university that's the one I'd try and go for.

    Ottawa isn't to bad as far as crimes go but its a fairly big city so just like any part of Ontario, that stuff is going to happen everywhere you go.

    I don't think Ottawa is to much of a party city, I've only been there a couple of times, I know there's some bars and clubs but its nothing major.

  3. As cities go, Ottawa is fairly moderately sized. We have two universities and they're both quite good (so I'm told, I went to university in a different city).

    The critical issue for you isn't so much the clubs, scenery and night life but the very highly competitive admission for university itself. You will want to brush up on your English (ie you wrote "...there university..." when I think you meant "...their university..."), it's Ottawa and not ottawa, Thunder Bay and not thunder bay and I'm pretty sure you meant to write smoggy and not smoogy.

    Crime rate? Well, Ottawa isn't a high crime city but it's also not a no crime city either. We get our fair share of theft, assault and other crimes.

    If you want to learn more about the University of Ottawa's nursing program, you would be well advised to examine UofO's website.

    In particular, review

    Good luck!

  4. The two universities in Ottawa are not really respected. This is not a major issue for programs like nursing but if you want to go to a good university Ottawa is not the city you want. Both universities have been the mocked and looked down on by students who go to real universities for years. If you are looking for a good school I'd suggest Western in London, Queens in Kingston, McMaster in Hamilton or UofT in Toronto.

    The cost would be the same as any other university. Not exactly but the difference is such that cost should not be a factor.

    Ottawa has no nightlife. The city is great for festivals and stuff like that. But if you want a proper night life / clubbing scene then you need to travel to Montreal which is a little over an hour drive from Ottawa. Compared to Thunder Bay Ottawa has a fairly good night life but if you are looking for a proper night life then you have to go to Toronto.

    Scenery is good if you are into outdoors stuff. Ottawa has plenty of that. It is probably one of the best places in Ontario for people who enjoy hiking and related activities.

    No smog. Certainly not like Toronto. Still all of Ontario is fairly light in smog.

    Crime is light but that is also true of all of Ontario with the exception of the Scarborough area of Toronto. Crime in Ottawa is concentrated in a few areas which are easy enough to avoid. Most of the crime is property crime. There is some street gang activity but not much. Most of it is concentrated outside the areas you'd live in if you were a student.
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