
Ouch! Burn on the inside of my mouth?

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I found a bizarre bump on the inside of my mouth, about 2 centimeters behind my front teeth. I didn't remember it being there before, so I reached my finger in and kind of...picked at it. The skin came off and now it hurts. It's not bleeding (I don't know how it could, given the location of it). My dad suggested it might be a burn, and this is highly possible because I ate some pretty hot peach cobbler about 5 or 10 minutes before I discovered the burn. Is it a burn? If so, what should I do to make it heal faster? (Ice cream won't help, I'm a vegan). If it's not a burn, what is it, and should I be concerned? Thanks a bunch!




  1. This may sound crazy but my dentist told me to hold Mylanta in my mouth for as long as I could stand it. He said that it is made to remove the pain from heart burn so it helps take the pain out of mouth burns

    Yes it is probably a burn and best would be to rinse with salt water.  

  2. It's most likely a burn - I get them often after drinking hot coffee or eating pizza or soup. While annoying, they generally go away after a few days without much treatment. I normally just try to keep the area clean and the problem takes care of itself.

    @skeeter: Mylanta helps because it provides a thick coating for the skin, preventing it from irritation and allowing it to heal.

  3. it probably is a burn - the skin probably just blistered up. sores in your mouth tend to heal quite quickly, or they do for me at least. if youve got some like antibacterial mouthwash, id give that a swish round your mouth - its full of bacteria in there and you possibly made it dirtier by picking at it, eg: dirt under your nails, on your fingers, etc....i'd recommend just not fiddling with it with your tongue or fingers and try to keep it clean. cold stuff wouldnt help heal it faster i dont think, but it might sooth the soreness - suck an ice cube maybe? if its still there in like a week or so, ask a doctor.

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