
Ouch life can suck.?

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I think 1000x times more than I act. I am not sure if I even have a body. I am just a brain. My whole summer I've just been reading the Harry Potter books, and planning out my life. I thought I was a Christian basically. I am not sure today. Friday August 29th I had a confusing complicated conversation with my mother. I have had many, but I basically thought about how you get far from spirituality when you focus on material things(good deeds) and converting people. When it seems like all people raised with religion and those searching for it will think, and there is no doubt question their beliefs. As a result of this state of being I feel my responsibility is to myself as is everyone else's before others. I am completely unqualified for the condonement of Christ which I have so recently committed. Speaking of faith, I have no faith in myself. So I can have faith in anything out there that is materialistically appealing again separating myself spiritually for realizing what is important. I will honestly admit that if there was a bomb in my house, and everyone said that there was a bomb everywhere outside of my house, and they all ran towards my house appearing safe while I am in danger, that I wouldn't have the strength to stand outside even if there was the possibility of the bomb being in my house. I am extrraordinarily indecisive. It is like my every sentence is difficult for me. And each word in it for the matter. I am in serious need of help. I question all answers and support, and any possible step forward keeping me bound in steel and concrete to my spot. This is my dilemma is their a cure?




  1.       i dont believe are trying to sound complicated.or you may think interesting.but you sound like the fool that you are.people try to help people on this net work.its not for have to much time on your your parents around your sure there are things that need doing.better yet get a job.

  2. Welcome to being a teenager. That's' what happens when you have too much time on your hands and are able to think. Thinking is good, nothing wrong with thinking. But thinking is like a tool. You practice it, it's like sharpening the tools. There's no point having really sharp tools if you don't learn how to use them. You can do two things. Don't think so much and let your tools be blunt, at least you won't hurt yourself, or learn to use your thoughts, learn about philosophy and logic. Buddhist logic and philosophy is easily accessible and teaches about happiness too. You don't have to stop being a Christian. Learning about Buddhist thought taught me how to understand Christ.

  3. I think your problem is you over-think everything, to the point where you start to psycho-analyze yourself. The reason? You use your brain too much, go out; have some fun doing something you like and give the books/internet/tv a rest. Get a job. Have fun and don't worry too much. Go camping or hiking, go to a club or a bar. Get out and do something instead of philosophizing.  :)
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