
Ouija Board? (wee-gee board)?

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My birthday party is on Friday night and my friends and I were talking it over and have decided to let my best friend bring his Ouija Board.

The last time I used it with him was a year or two ago when he and my boyfriend at the time were hanging out at his house. We went to his brother's closet to use it and it was cramped in there and there was no light. It was pitch black and I was freaking out!

Then they decided to ask it when I would die, I screamed and ran right out of the closet.

I'm doing a LOT better with it now and I can't wait.

Does anybody have any stories about their discoveries??

Any tips?

I can't use candles because one of my friends will freak and probably set my house on fire. Luckily my closet is too small to fit 6 kids in though.

Is this a bad idea or does it sound fun?

I need to know a little more about this thing.

Please don't send links! Answers are perfectly fine.

Is this worthwhile? We have two hours to use it before he leaves for another birthday party!




  1. This is not a question; this is the sort of thing one posts in a forum.

  2. it sounds like a really fun idea you should do it. but try to dim the lights becuase that will add alittle more fear and excitment to the game. you should also have someone act like they left only to reappear to scare everyone.

  3. Oujia boards are g*y. Me and my friend tried it once as a joke, and it was so boring just sitting in the dark with some fake game that doesnt do ANYYYYYTHING

  4. i can't find a ouija board darn it!! but my friend used one, and the spirit liked her cousin. it also told my friend who'd be her "first" and when. it gave it's name and stuff. and it also said that it wanted to kill my friend and s***w her cousin. she won't use one anymore!!! hahahaha.

  5. Don't do it! ITS EVIL!!!

  6. they scare me to death!!!

  7. waste of time lol, everyone does it once but when nothing happens your friends start moving it and everyones saying they arent moving it!!

  8. Most people are sceptical about things involving supernatural theories, and your friends will probably use this as a scare tactic! although harmless fun, do take caution if lighting candles without parental permission.

  9. My great-great aunt used to play with those when she was a teenager. Now she's a paranoid schizophrenic.

  10. Why cramp yourself in he closet? Thats ridiculous! Yes, we did this years ago, and it worked. We all took turns in sitting out [so we could see if anone was pushing the glass] and it kept working. Very freaky - but wouldnt do it again - you dont know what you're dealing with - unleashing. Instead of candles, dim the lights or use a lamp - you need to be able to see the letters - dont you?????

    Why not get a set of Tarot cards and play with them instead. They give you instructions and its a bit of fun - probably safer than the ouji board...I'd NEVER do the ouiji board in my own house [we did it in motel rooms in the past - leav the spirits there we thought!!!]

    If it freaks your friend out - dont do it - one of our friends was freeaked out and it ruined the night as she was very upset and couldnt sleep later on.

  11. if you do it you'll pen the doors of demonic activity. i did it and i heard and saw things in my house 4 a month!!! I'm serious don't play with what you really don't understand...

  12. play scarbble lots less scary of or get quija JR by milton bradly

  13. well I have expeirienced the Ouiji boards and just to let you know spirits do get upsest if you ask the wrong questions...... maybe you can have a dim light in the back ground so you can at least see what its saying..........

    This is freaky... One time my grandma and my cousin and I were playing the ouiji board and me and my cousin stoped touching it and it was still moving and then we started to say " grandma your doing it " then my grandma lifted her hands off of the little mouse thing and it kept on moving....... we got freaked out!

    Aslo one time my sister and my 2 cousins where playing it. ( we were talking to our neighbors son. His name was Joshua.... He killed himself ) then we started to ask questions about why he killed himself and he said that this one girl he loved broke up with him...... then we asked him what could we do to make him happy ? then he drag the mouse to the letters K-I-L-L     H-E-R

    Then I said F***K this..... and left

    Another one is when the ouiji board was in my moms house. Our house started to became very active we kept hearing noises. One time our blow dryer went on all by itself.... it was like at 2 in the morning. And this thing happend to my brother and he ran out of the house and got the board and threw it against out on the pourch and ran up to Eric`s house. The next hour my brother buried the board far away frome the house and we NEVER experience anything supernatural in the house again.

    Thats a few stories...... to let you know when you are playing that game you are opening up a portal in your home..... And if a spirit gets comfurtable...... It might just want to move in.

    Also you should try taking pictures of you all playing to see if you can see a spirit.... look on the google images on people playing the ouji board and some you can see the spirits they are talking to.

  14. It's a bad idea.

  15. nooooooooo buy the

  16. My friends and I played a few years ago.  It really is TRUELY scary! Things happen and it plays with your mind long after you are playing the game.  

    Of course it can only be a game but you can also make the same board on a piece of paper and make a pointer and find that it does the same as the game board.  

    It might all be in your head but that is something you want to keep clear and free from any bad luck and karma.

  17. ''wee gee'' borards arent designed for kids who have no idea what the out come is or what they even do, they are to help spirtual people connect with the spirits that havn't yet crossed over. if you hvae noaea what you are doing o suggest you leave that idea and go back to ''monopoly'' you do always get a good spirit.. sometimes you get bad spirits.. and by doing it you give them permission into you home or where every you are, this can resutlt in bad spirits connecting with you, haunting.. type it into google, and it will tell you some freaky stories.. trust me.. its not fun!

  18. No it might sound really stupid, but they are so dangerous, the wee fake ones are ok, but honeslty, my friends mum was talking abuout when she done one and hse started crying just talking about it, she got addictid 2 it coz she  reached her dead grandfather and ano this sounds totally fake but i swear its wot she told me and i do belive her, bad idea if u ask me

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