
Ouija Boards... huh? Are they that bad?

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I have never seen a ouija board in real life.. only on TV and stuff, but I hear a lot of stories lately. I am curious a little about them(which is bad I know)... I guess they summon from h**l itself, and you better be ready for demons beyond your imagination if you want to use one...

Basically, each of my family members used one at one point, but they won't tell me anything really. I ask my mother, she just turns white, and ignores me.. she doesn't want to talk about it, and my uncle just tries to make it sound like a big joke, and not go into detail. When some of my sisters say other family members have tried one, they deny it, and some act like they didn't remember it. Also, there was a story of someone getting possessed?

What do you guys say about Ouija boards? Are they so bad someone will freak out if you try to talk to them about it, and if you ever tried one... what happened?




  1. I used a ouija board and nothing happened.  Nothing happened when friends used the ouija board.  The ouija board is just a game that you can buy in most toy stores and department stores, an ordinary piece of wood or plastic or cardboard.  It is meant for two or more players so it will not work very well if you try to use it alone.  It has no supernatural powers.  The people using the ouija board make it work through ideomotor movement.  It plays on your mind and imagination and your susceptibilities and beliefs and fears.  It can be scary because the imagination is a powerful thing, and can make you believe just about anything.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards and how to use them.  

  2. You will get a dozen or more answers that say they are portals to the spirit world and how evil and terrible they are, and how after/during using them people experienced terrifiying events.  I have a hard time believing a piece of laminated cardboard and a plastic pointer could do so much.

    Edit: Paul, don't forget Sorry.  You can't know how much contention the game Sorry has caused in my house.  The people at Parker Bros truely are doing the devil's work.  People say "sorry" while they play the game, but don't really mean it.

  3. Bad things can happen with ouija boards.  Not always but basicly you are inviting spirits from the other side to communicate to you and you can't control what comes through.  Sometimes it really can be demonic and try to hurt you (a friend of my had a glass thrown at her head when using one once), and other times it can just play with you.  I used one once with a group of people and it basically told a VERY embarrassing story about me that I NEVER had told ANYONE EVER.  But somehow it knew and told the story and by the time I realized what it was saying it was too late.  Everyone knew something SO embarrassing about me.  I recommend to STAY AWAY from them.  There is no good reason to mess about with something like that.

  4. they sell them at toys r" us and they are made by parker brothers..

    the same evil people who make risk and clue...

  5. I once helped some fellow students clean out a storage room in jr high to use as a practise room for music.  We found a board there.  I had no clue what it was at the time, so I started reading the instructions.

    The more I read, the more nauseuous I felt.  For the next few years, I felt naeseous every time I came within 20 feet of one, even in a department store.  I could 'feel' them - as an upset stomach.

    I might add, that as a Christian, I believe in the existance of angels (both good and evil ones).

    Basically, if you aren't praying to God, or communicating with a living mortal, you're communciating in ways the Bible forbids.  Contacting dead relatives, spirits, etc. is a no-no.

    I won't freak out - I'm willing to tell you all I know - but, if you believe in God, and want to please Him, I suggest avoiding the use of a Ouija Board.

  6. my grandma wont allow me to play/have on in the house. or just play with one at all.

    she say's they can wake things that we do not intend too, wether there real ones or not.

  7. Ouija boards are exactly what they seem to be - a piece of cardboard with some letters on it, and an injection-molded plastic planchette.

    People touch the planchette and subconsciously move it around via the ideomotor effect.

    The only mystery about the ouija board is why so many people continue to assert that it has magical powers.

  8. I answered this question in the former Ouija question asked. Basically the outcome is driven apparently by the intent and beliefs of the operators. There appears to be nothing inherent in the board itself that would lead a rational objective individual to believe it has any other mysterious power.

    Most of the operations the board evidences can be attributed to what is known as ideomotor effect. You can search that for more info. You will find it is a very simple phenomenon having no mystical background.

    Many will indicate the board is dangerous, must be used with a qualified medium, can open a portal through which dark energies can enter and so on. I have, in 4 decades experience never encountered any of the above - and I have supervised others using the Ouija in experiments on many occasions.

  9. For your own benefit, you need to do some research on it yourself versus taking any ones word on it.

    Some will tell you it's the portal to h**l and will unleash lower demon forms. Not sure which twisted religion came up with that one, but it's comic relief none the less.

    Then you will have others telling you it's just a cardboard box with the alphabet printed on it. And when you incorporate the idiometer effect, it devalues the superstition.

    Psst, in order for it to respond the way you want it to, you have to use your eyes so you can spell out the responses you're wanting. But keep that between you and me....

    Do your homework and then make your own judgement.

  10. Yes they are bad.  They are, at the least, a focus of negetive adolesant energy.  The only time I was near a oija board I was convinced that it was a bad thing and I will only touch one now to burn it.

    What happened?  1970 a girl brought one to a highschool class I was in.  It all started as fun, you know who likes me?  Does John really like Susan or Cheryl?  Is Mr armstrong a drunk?  etc.  Then some smart senior guy asked if there would be a world war three.  The planchett wen't wild and the girls touching it jumped back and it skidded across the board hitting random letters then the number three.  It stayed still finally and every one in the room went on about their business with an eye on that board sitting on the side counter.  Several hous later someone tried to use the board again but the pointer did the same thing, frantically pointing to different letters then 'no' then more letters and ww3 then more nonsence letters.  The owner put it in the box and took it home and her mother made her burn it when the teacher reported what had happened.

    Oh and John broke up with Susan to go out with Cheryl and Mr.  Armstrong got in a drunk driving accident three months later.  And no one liked me in school.  I didn't have a boyfriend until I go into college.  So the board was supposedly right two out of three times.

  11. parker bros copy rited the board design they didnt create glass tipping

  12. I used to try it all the time when I was a teenager. I never saw anything bad about it, but then again I don't think I ever really contacted anything with it either.  There are a lot of horror stories about them but I would have to see it to believe it.   There is just too much room for operator manipulation to think it really does get messages from beyond.

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