
Ouija board help * dont answer saying iTs FAKE!!!! *?

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PLZ HELP ME WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS ON IT , MY OUIJA BOARDS LITTLE HANDLE THE THING U USE TO COMMUNICATE WITH IS NOT THERE SOMEONE SAID THERES SUPPOSE TO BE GLASS / PLASTIC IN THE MIDDLE? ... can this prevent me from comuinicating? anyways i play this game with friends and it dosnt seem to work any tips? we once said a prayer and the candle went out so help gimme all the tips and evreything yo know about it!!!!




  1. just find something else to use it with, like a plastic thing or anything that's clear. i think that you should also have a bible near you just in case or maybe holy water near.

    remember people can always make their own, thus, you can find your own thing to use it with.

  2. Stay Away from it you don't want to let the Presence of Evil into your Life.

  3. There is a popular belief that an Ouija board has some inherent power, or that spirits live inside the board or planchette. This is not correct. The Ouija board is simply a board with letters, numbers, a few words, and copyright and/or patent information, and the planchette is a small inert device that has been designed to move easily across the board. There is nothing magic or mysterious about the board or planchette themselves, and the mere presence of such devices will not cause paranormal events to occur.

    The board's power comes from the calling forth of spirits. The participant(s) get(s) the attention of these spirits and ask(s) them questions, whereupon the spirits respond by moving the planchette around on the board. Many people believe a person can call forth the spirit of someone who has passed on, or some other specific entity, but this has never been proven, to my knowledge. The spirit(s) who are summoned will often not have any singular identity at all.

    Those spirits who do have identities will usually be vague, evasive or misleading about their names. This is because knowing their names can give the experienced summoner power over the spirits themselves, and the spirits can then be forced to do things they don't want to do. This is very undesirable to the spirits, of course, who want to keep their liberty and freedom intact.

    The spirits who are summoned in this way are never good ones. Good spirits will not respond to this type of summoning. Sometimes the spirits who are summoned are neutral or mischievous, and will often simply give random answers to participants' questions.

    Other spirits may be more powerful than these, and may actually have limited knowledge they may impart. However, these spirits are nearly always malevolent, and when summoned they may decide to take residence in the room or household where they are summoned. Sometimes they will even take residence in the participants themselves! Once they have taken residence, they can manifest themselves in our world of reality in real and very frightening, and in some cases very destructive, ways.

    Depending on the power of these malevolent beings, one may be able to drive them out in a variety of ways. These spirits are very legalistic, however, and some of them may have the power to take up permanent residence in the room, household or person they have elected to haunt.

    These spirits can only be gotten rid of by identifying the source of their right to be wherever they are, renouncing this right, and flooding the host with good spirits. They can then be forced to flee. Very powerful evil spirits may be difficult to exorcise even in this manner, but it is the only manner that has been proven to be successful.

    Keep in mind that this is the way you get rid of the malevolent spirits once you have them. You cannot prevent their permanent residence by any means, whether by religious icons, garlic, holy water, or whatever, because the actual calling forth of spirits is what gives them the right to stay. The calling of the spirits will override any preventive measures you could use to prevent their permanent residence.

    If you do call forth spirits to manipulate objects in the real world and divulge information, you are asking for trouble. My advice is, DON'T! No information received in this way is worth the potential risk of possession by evil spirits. Many lives have been completely destroyed in this way. Please, don't let this happen to you. If you are tempted to use divination devices to call forth spirits, get rid of them. Your life will be much better for it. - LJS

  4. That game brings evil unto those who uses it. Unless you want to be on KHON Channel 2 News.

  5. its real but also evil unless u want to wake up tommorow in h**l or possessed i'd advise u not to use it i've heard people say its bad man

  6. you must use  real glass. it could be a drinking glass. just ask if there's a spirit in the room or house and if there is, it should answer you. be careful of what you let out though.

  7. buy a new one

  8. My brother and I used to use an overturned shot glass.

  9. it is not real.  

    maybe you and your friends can watch john edwards.

  10. You can use ANY object to communicate. Well any object that is small and light enough to glide across the board. And Ouija boards are based on what you believe will happen, so if you don't believe that the ouija board will work, then it won't. Also make sure that you don't have too many of too few people. Three is a good amount.

  11. I know that you are probably not going to believe this and you're just going to ignore this, but I'll tell you anyway. I know ouija boards are not fake. I tried a ouija board with 2 of my friends. ( I am 19) We asked if there was a sprit in the room, it told us there was. We asked it to prove itself. A cushion from the couch flipped up and flew across the room. One of my friends starting laughing and was like "Oh my god!" When, suddenly my other friend starting screaming and crying, she ran into the kitchen, and yelled "leave me alone" We were tring to tell her it was just for fun, but she killed her self with a knife to her stomach in front of us.

  12. I know you asked people not to say this, but the simple truth of the matter is that it is indeed fake and that is the reason you can't get it to work.

  13. You need to play this game with people who know each other well - otherwise it won't work very well.  Here are a few links that discuss ouija boards.  They should give  you the information you need.

  14. It takes two to Ouija. Usually one person is not able to work the Ouija. Get a friend to use it with you. A male and female is usually recommended.

    Timing. Most practitioners suggest using the board at night when, they say, less interference is in the atmosphere.

    Create some atmosphere. The Ouija is more fun if you darken the room and light some candles. Turn off the TV and any music to minimize distractions.

    Have a seat. The two users should sit facing each other, with knees touching if possible, with the board on their laps. Don't use a table.

    Decide on a questioner or medium. Even though both people can ask questions -- or anyone else in the room can -- only one of the users should be the medium (the one to formally ask questions of the board).

    Place your fingers on the planchette. You and your partner should place the fingers of both hands very lightly on the planchette, or pointer.

    Move it. Purposely move the planchette around in a circle on the board for a moment or two to get it 'warmed up.'

    Attitude. Don't let the board control the session. The medium should begin by announcing that the session will only allow an experience that is positive or toward a higher good and that negative energies are not welcome.

    Begin simply. Start with a simple question, one that requires a yes or no answer.

    Be patient. You might not begin to get answers right away. Give the board a chance to 'warm up.'

    Be polite. When the board starts working, thank the board or entities for showing up and communicating with you.

    Don't ask stupid questions. Avoid questions such as, 'When am I going to die?' If the board answers, 'in 6 months,' you might just worry about it needlessly.

    Don't ask for physical signs. Many experienced users warn against asking for physical signs that the 'spirit' is real or present.

    Don't believe everything the board tells you. Just as with any other source of information, don't accept whatever the board says to be the truth or accurate.

    Close the board. This is an important step. When you're done with your session, slide the planchette to 'GOODBYE' and remove your hands.


    Have someone write down the answers. Sometimes the letters spell out very quickly and it's difficult to keep track of what's being said. A third person with paper and pen can write down the message as it comes.

    Play sober. You'll get better results if you haven't been drinking or smoking.

    Maintain control. If the board starts giving rude, vulgar, obscene or otherwise disagreeable responses, break off the session immediately by closing the board.

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