
Ouija board or Tarot cards? Which is best to get spooked?

by Guest60026  |  earlier

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i am thinking about investing in some occult stuff and want some tips on what is best for a good spooky winter evening in?

Or shood i just get both. (replies only from ple who know about these things pleeze!)




  1. Ouija board.

  2. I wouldn't use Ouija Boards. They are so commonly used by teenagers to scare one another, tricking them by saying a "Spirit" is contacting them. Tarot cards are a fun way to "determine" your future. But get both- and do it with a couple of friends- it's fun to see who gets scared most.  

  3. Sorry but you are delving into areas you have no clue about....Leave the Ouija board well alone unless you have some one with you who knows what they are doing,!!

  4. Sorry I don't know much on this but maybe this might scare someone a little easier. Since not all people believe in Ouija and tarot. How about  do something like a haunted house or having people dress up and come out the woods w/ acts or something.  

  5. Think your messing with stuff that ought not to be messed with.  

  6. Ouija board or the simple Spirit of the Coin. Or play hide n seek in d dark.

  7. Both but you best luck would be a ouija board.

  8. I've played around with Tarot and witchcraft and all that junk, and let me tell you it's just not real. I mean, I tried doing spells and stuff with other people who imagined all this crazy business. None of it ever worked or came true at all. People do all this stuff to try to make something happen, and it wouldn't happen. Even "magical" people didn't really produce any result outside of their own head.

    Now, as far as the spooky factor, I think Ouija is the way to go. I never heard of anybody getting possessed or smacked around by spirits while using Tarot, but stories abound about people using Ouija to contact demons and such.

  9. A Ouija Board can, and (if you have zero training and an ounce of talent) will mess your entire house up. If you really must use it, only use it away from anywhere you intend spending time.

    If you insist on using it, I suggest that either;

    * you make sure you are more highly trained and Spiritually stronger than anything coming through; or,

    * you make absolutely 110% flesh blood and gristle certain you are not the Spiritually weakest person in the group.

    Imagine you are the Earth in a circuit, and the people using the Board are positive and negative poles of batteries in series (unbroken chain of left-hand to right-hand). If one of them lets go, they break the circuit, and you get the full charge Earthing through you, spiritually speaking.

    Tarot cards are similar, in that they are a way for "Nasties" on the other side to whisper misleading information through to you. If you have no training and any talent at all, they can lead you a merry dance.

    I'd try going to train as a Medium at a Spiritualist Church.  

  10. There are those of us who believe that these should be used as 'tools' and not for spooky evening in. That is why you will probably get people on here saying to not play with them.

    However, I think that if you get Tarot Cards, and you don't know  how to read them, you are definitely not going to get much fun out of them.  So you will have to read a book or something to learn how to read them.  They really are not much fun if you can't interpret them.

    A Ouija on the other hand, all you need is two people and a quiet place.  You don't even need two people really.  I have one and I have used it occasionally, but I believe spirits really do speak to us.

    Anyhow.... I always ask for the goddess to protect me while I use it and surround me with the white light of love and protection.  You may not choose to do so.

    When I was a teenager we used the Ouija and it was a source of great amusement and we never got haunted, but we did get freaked out a lot.  That is what I would suggest for spooky fun as you call it.

  11. I don't know much about Tarot cards, but the ouija board can probably spook you if you want to be spooked and if you let it.

    The ouija board is just a game that you can buy in most toy stores and department stores, an ordinary piece of wood or plastic or cardboard.  It is meant for two or more players so it will not work very well if you try to use it alone.  It has no supernatural powers.  The people using the ouija board make it work through ideomotor movement.  It plays on your mind and imagination and your susceptibilities and beliefs and fears.  It can be scary because the imagination is a powerful thing, and can make you believe just about anything.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards and how to use them.  

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