
Ouija board problem PLEASE HELP URGENTLY..?

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my friend has been using an ouija board she has been getting weird side effects she cannot control them and when she goes into them its impossible to communicate with her except for the occasional word or 2 which never sounds like her voice, we need a way to stop it but dont know how. please any suggestions at all would be very helpful....




  1. you should never fool around with that. its not a game. i would call a priest.

  2. Keep Calm.

    Just try to talk her out of it or just buy a new board. It may be the board that  has the problem. If none of them work, call a psychologist.

  3. im sorry about your friend. but from now, things can only get worse. and thats why you should never mess around with ouija boards. spread the word.

    i think the most you can do for your friend is tell her to calm down and stuff. whatever is after her usually acts on her emotions. if she starts getting 'attacked' in her sleep, seek religious aid.

  4. I can honestly tell you that no matter what people say about Ouija boards not having any power, like, Imaka has reported a couple of times, is absolutely NOT TRUE!!!   The problem is, is that it is a gateway.  My advice to you, ESPECIALLY if you are a Christian is to begin to pray as SOON as she starts to go into these fits.  Actually if she is your friend, take the Ouiji board away from her and throw it away!!!  Go to your Pastor and let him know what is going on!  And if you don't go to a church, per se, find a Christian friend who can help you out!  If you are a Christian, you need to pleed the blood of Jesus Christ for yourself and your friend and let the devil know that he has no power over your or your friend...and this is especially important for your friend to do as well!  She has to out loud renouce the evil spirits, tell them that because you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior that they are not welcome, that they need to leave, and  through Christ you will no longer be in bondage to these spirits!

    I know that there are many nay-sayers out there who think that this is a bunch of quackery, but i'm not worried about them.  I am concerned about you and your friend.  I have gone through some similar situations, not specifically with ouija boards but with spiritual warfare in general, and i believe you!  

    There is a saying that goes "the Devil's greatest deception is making the world believe that he doesn't exist"....he does exist, and if you would like to talk to me more about this, you can feel free to email me about it.

    I'll pray for you and your friend...I SINCERELY hope this helps!

  5. What is happening has nothing to do with the ouija board.  The ouija board is just a game that you can buy in most toy stores and department stores, an ordinary piece of wood or plastic or cardboard.  It has no supernatural powers.  The people using it make it work.  It plays on your mind and imagination and your susceptibilities and beliefs and fears.  It can be scary because the mind is a powerful thing, and can make you believe anything.  Your friend may need to talk to a counselor or a doctor who can hep her with whatever is going on, but it is not the ouija board.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards.

  6. It's not the board... there are no 'spirits' involved. Ouija boards work because of the ideomotor effect.  If she's acting strange, she has a medical or psychological problem. Get her to a doctor.

    Sending her to a priest is just going to reinforce the false belief that there are 'spirits' infecting her and will make the problem worse.

  7. Actually, ANY suggestions would not be helpful.  Coming here and soliciting the advice of faceless strangers to help your friend is not much different than using a Ouija board to contact random unknown influences, whether they are other-worldly, inner-worldly, way too worldly, or something else.  I suspect that you and your friend are rather young, so the first thing to do is to alert her parents that something is very wrong.  Be quite honest about what she has been up to.  Even if she is over 21, this would still be the first course of action, regardless of whether she is away at school or not.  The next thing is to strongly discourage her from continuing her "play" and refuse to participate yourself.  Obviously, what is happening is no fun and needs to stop, and that means for you, too.  The whistle has blown, the alarm has gone off, and it is now time to wake up and face the day with your wits about you.  Best wishes to you and your friend.

  8. with a question like this you're bound to get a WIDE variety of opinions- and that is all i have to offer... based on a lot of reading into the occult/paranormal, but little ACTUAL experience i would offer some basic advice:

    DON'T PANIC. i cannot give you a definitive answer as to whether spirits/demons/angels/god is or are real, nor whether the problems you are experiencing are medical, psychological, or paranormal in nature. NEITHER can anybody else. the one thing that seems to be the common experience in everything i have read, on the occult/paranormal front, is that fear makes things worse. whatever creates these phenomena, whether it's spirits, unconscious psychic powers, or just mental illness, getting scared and panicking simply gives it more power and results in the experiencer making bad choices, potentially harmful ones.

    the most obvious answer is to simply stop using the ouija board, and see if that solves the problem outright. if the results she is getting are this upsetting, then there really isn't any point in continuing- regardless of where the problem comes from, right?

    if the problem continues, most responsible occult scholar-types will recommend consulting a doctor before doing anything like consulting a priest... it seems to me that taking any sort of religious/occult approach to the problem carries a lot of risks and often makes things worse!

  9. See a psychologist.  A priest might do, but then a relapse based on her thinking  she is "open to the spirits" is possible.

  10. They make me shudder!

    Tell her go see a priest

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