
Ouija board...?

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ive never done one..but ive heard mixed opinions on this..some people say they are bad and to not ever use one and some say its just harmless fun

my friends used one at a sleepover and they asked a question like who was ___ first hookup with? and they put someone who didnt know the answer to it on the board and it spelt out the right person..

like how does it do this??

and is it bad? like should i never use one?

im pretty superstitious and a little i dont want to bring evil/demons into my life or harm myself or anyone..




  1. If you are uncomfortable with it, don't use one, but it is not evil and will not harm you.  The ouija board is just a game that you can buy in most toy stores and department stores, an ordinary piece of wood or plastic or cardboard.  It has no supernatural powers.  The people using it make it work.  It plays on your mind and imagination and your susceptibilities and beliefs and fears.  It can be scary because the imagination is a powerful thing, and can make you believe anything.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards.

  2. it depends, if you don't mind ghost, poltergeist pissing u off for a night or two, then  why not give it ago. I did with my mates around my house one night and afterwards pictures were falling off the wall, while i was in bed, chairs were heard being dragged slowly across the kitchen, it scared the living h**l out of me, so if you don't want any visiters at night, then i would suggest not to

  3. too be honest if your religious you shouldnt use one its a way to open llike a portal or sommething for spirits and mosstly bad ones to come in.

                       gohst and spirits are moving it

    but thats just what i think

  4. The truth about Ouija boards is that they're not real. It may be disappointing, but it makes sense when you think about it. Do you really think that if spirits wanted to contact the living, they'd use a $20 toy from Walmart (or a $40, equally useless board from a specialty shop) as their medium? There's nothing wrong with believing in spirits and the supernatural, but the people who sell Ouija boards are immoral and trying to rip off gullible people.

    This is how a Ouija board really works. When you're with a group of close friends who are all spiritual, it is very easy to deceive yourselves that something supernatural is going on. Entirely on a subconscious level, the whole group begins to move the piece around the board without realizing it. All it takes is a slight nudge from someone (just a restless hand, nothing intentional), and then everyone takes up the motion and the piece seems to be moving all on its own! The subconscious mind is more powerful than you probably realize - it works behind our regular thoughts constantly, and can create some pretty vivid images that our conscious mind interprets as supernatural. For example, have you ever heard a wind while lying in bed at night that sounds creepy and spooky? If someone spiritual (or easily influenced) hears the same wind, their mind might interpret it as the moaning of a ghost and even pick out words, even though they're just hearing the wind. Ouija boards work the same - once you feel some sort of nudge, the subconscious mind gets ahead of itself, and as a group, everyone moves the piece to spell out words. The more you want the Ouija board to work, the more likely your mind will make it work for you.

    A big part of why so many people believe in Ouija boards is that they already have a strong belief in an afterlife and spirits and ghosts. As I said, there’s nothing wrong with believing in this. But when you and your friends get into a spiritual mood, sitting huddled in the darkness with candles and other ‘spiritual’ things, it opens up your mind to play tricks on you much more than it normally would. If you don’t believe that you’d really move the piece subconsciously, just think of the effects a scary movie has on you. When you watch it in the dark and get really engrossed in it, afterwards you’re almost always creeped out and feel anxious. Even though your house is no more dangerous than it normally is, suddenly shadows in the dark, or your friend suddenly touching your shoulder, is really scary! The exact same thing is happening when you set the mood for playing with a Ouija board. It’s no wonder you can end up tricking yourself in that kind of atmosphere.

    There are, of course, also people who will move the piece on purpose, just to get a scare from their friends. If you trust your friends enough, you will believe it really is a ghost. So if you're ever using the board and it does move, look at your friends' fingers and see who it is in the group who is moving it the most. Then look at their face and see if they look sincere, or are hiding a smirk! If it seems like no one in particular is moving it, it probably means your friends are caught up in the moment and really believe it is something paranormal moving the piece.

    The person who was moving the piece clearly did know who that person was, or if there were two people on the board, at least one of them did. Maybe your friends were both in on it, and wanted to scare you because they know you're religious? Or once again, it could be subconscious. That is the only explination - really, do you think a ghost would spend its time answering questions like that otherwise? I'm sure there are better things to do in the afterlife!

    I hope you'll take my advice and only use the Ouija board as a fun game... Really, nothing supernatural is going on. Good luck!

  5. they are just harmless funn. i own one myself and it is true. they do work.. but they can get creppy sometimes. its supposed to "summon a spirit" once you began to use it. you can never tell if its a good or bad spirit until you start to ask it questions. yes they do know some answers. but sometimes they lie. just to laugh at you. it is agaisnt some religons. so you might want to talk to your parents first. but they can't physically do harm. good luck

    p.s. always remember to tell it goodbye before you leave. it makes them unhappy if you just walk away.

  6. Ouija boards don't work and never will, they are used mainly to play tricks on friends to scare them
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