
Ouija board what are the precautions?

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My birthdays coming up and i usually have sleep overs. (Note this is her daughter XD) I know how to make an ouija board and all but are there any precautions? (Like saying something before you use it)

Ja ne'




  1. Use common sense.  It is a game after all that you can buy at Toys R Us.  However, that doesn't mean that it can't scare you.  Belief is a powerful force, so proceed with caution.

  2. dont do it if you make it you can never thrown it away its bad luck and can make bad things happen to you, please dont risk dabbling

  3. Don't play while driving

    Don't play while board is on fire

    Don't play if board covered in scorpions

    You'd be surprised how many folks are injured each year by not following these simple precautions

  4. no, you need not do anything. the ouija board is used entirely on faith and is not scientifically proven.  

    therefore, to each his ( or her ) own.

  5. they are fun to play with I have made my own

    i aslo use  the store kind from a book store

    there great to play with there fun you get to

    talk to the dead ok all you have to do bofere

    you play is put the bord out un flud it than wipe

    the glass part clean than ask it something

    you can do it alone your with other they are

    slower when you use than alone faster with

    other player  what you do is put your figer

    tip on it ask it a ? like is there any one there

    if it sarts to move than that means ya theres

    someone form the dead talking to you its

    realy fun I love to talk to the dead dont let

    any one tell you its bad luck or not to do that

    they olny say that beasce its there one blavies

    and thery are afried of things form the other

    side I mass with this suff all the time  its fun

    i dont let any one stop me  i get thold am

    going to h**l my chisrans so i say is your

    h**l you brun in it am going to go have fun

    with my life :)  trust me its realy fun to do

    sufe with the dead and things like that the

    dead rock

  6. When i was a teenager i used a ouija board all by self in my bedroom and my TV turned on by itself. I am not joking about this. Since then that TV was acting really strange and I had to get a new one.

  7. No.  Ouija boards are purported to be controlled by "spirits", which make some think of Satanism.

    I've played it, nothing happened. All movement was caused by the players, regardless of what they might say.


  8. well the main precaution is in the calling of a spirit itself. You have to be careful or you might call, at best a liar or at worst a malignant spirit to your home by not being careful.

  9. you should wipe the board with a cloth so the seeker can move more easily and then just ask if there are any spirits in the room :-)

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