
Ouija boards & paranormal ivestigating groups.?

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Will you investigate a home where a spirit board have been used?




  1. yes, although I have never witnessed anything spook-tacular related to ouija boards. Even if the urban legends and myths about them turned out to be true, I am a born again Christian and have the knowledge that my eternal soul is protected from the forces of evil. So no problem.....

  2. hey ghost..i left you a link in your other question,

  3. ouija boards are like candyland and chutes and ladders, IT"S A BOARD GAME, IT'S NOT REAL!!!!!!!!!

  4. I think the short answer to why an investigator will not go to a home where a ouija board has been used is that ouija boards are thought to let in demons and most investigators do not consider themselves eqipped to handle that.

  5. >I have a short answer to those who think its a game. Bunk! Anyone who uses one of these whether it is store bought or home made should understand, there are real problems associated with Ouija Boards! Most of these problems happen over time with repeated use, especially if one is using it by themselves. Many have been horrified to find just how harmless a Ouija Board can be. My source? personal experience during a time of my life when I was a complete skeptic about anything Paranormal.

  6. I'm not a member of any paranormal investigating group, but I do have a fair amount of experience with the paranormal and backtracking paranormal events.  I also have middling familiarity with Ouija boards, skrying, oracles, augers and divining.  

    It's my considered opinion that, although those types of activities are sometimes coincident with other paranormal phenomena, nothing suggests one is the consequence of the other.

  7. if I got paid for it.

  8. Ditto what nuff said!! I thought they were fun..then fascinating. I didn't realize what was really happening. Then I got into Automatic Writing...just about the same. Also into "receiving messages" that I KNEW weren't my thoughts. Part of it could have been from good spirits...I believe they were trying to warn me...but I couldn't pick up on their warnings. One of them told me I was like a "wet sponge" I thought they meant because I was crying..but what they meant was that I couldn't "absorb" what they were trying to tell me. So even if you get "messages" might be so fascinated with the message that you don't understand it. That's why I can't stand it when people talk to me in "secret" languages..and "hints" etc. I'd rather they just come out and tell me straight..and not talk with "forked tongue" etc.(whatever that means) I don't even like "parables" anymore..where you have to "figure out" the meaning.  I DO believe that it has to do with your eyes too..that they come through your eyes.However..I did write a "message" in rhyme while almost asleep..with my arm hanging off the bed and the pen in my hand and the paper on the floor. Was shocked at what I had written the next morning. Remember..if someone else is doing the writing..then there really is someone right there with just can't see them. (shudder shudder) And they might not be a good spirit or an angel.Just because they say they're an angel or spirit guide..doesn't mean they are..and they can totally misguide you and lead you into all kinds of things that are harmful for you and your family.I'm sure you think this can't happen to you..esp. since it's "just a game"..and you're so much smarter and wiser than I am. But it can. I'm just trying to warn you.

    EDIT...wush..I got born again after this too...but in the end..they won out. I thought I was protected too.

  9. Sounds like fun.

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