
Ouiji Boards!! Tell me your story. If its scary youll get best answer. If you can make it true.?

by  |  earlier

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  1. me and my friends are going to try it out this weekend.. but i'll get back to you after the weekend promise

    and yes they work, but nothing scary happened, because we didn't ask anything scary, and then my cousin took it away after 5 minutes. but the one that he had was from an indian reserve. and it's the one with the chain pendulem.. and only one person holds it. and when i held it swung all by itself.. so i know for sure they work.

    please answer my question;...

  2. Hm, let the dead bury the dead.  Not interested in spiritualism...  All is the work of the Devil.  Ghosts, phantoms and spirits.  All is his work trying to confuse our minds and making us walk his path.

  3. My one best friend and I, we doing it together, at about maybe 5:00?

    We started to contact our old grandparents and pets(dont know how they could spell though).

    It was all fine and dandy until my brother came up. And were like, GET OUT! and the ouija board immedietly went to, "NO! LEAVE HIM! I WANT HIM!" were like what are you going to do, and it went to 666. and its like keep him here, or else ill kill him. I got scared so I kept him up there a little longer. Then told him to leave. Its like BRING HIM BACK. were like no. it went to FINE SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN TO HIM. we were like, so? were not afraid of you, the devil. its like LOOK OUT YOUR WINDOW. i was terrified. my friend looked out and saw a dark figure in a trench coat. SHES LIKE OMG! LOOK. i went over and saw the same thing.

    The next few days, my friend was walking to school and swore she saw the figure stalking her. and when i walked home, it followed me. and then finally about like 5 days later, my brother was hospitalized with salmonella.

    Even though this all happened, i still use it.

    I have way more creepy experiences though.

  4. Me and my grandmother have played Ouija Board. My grandmother believed it was Devil Worship until I told her I bought it at walmart instead of an old Witch Doctor.  So she was somewhat interested and convinced.

    We lit a few candles and I forced her to sit with me and place her hand on the oracle. We waited several minutes and out of no where a gust of wind pushed the oracle and spelled the word "G-U-I-L-T-Y" and my grandma swears up and down she never moved it. She believes it was our dog Rusty, she accidentally opened the back gate and let the dog drown in our swimming pool. She's just nuts, dogs can't spell.

    I really think it was her sub-concious giving her a guilty trip.

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